7 | Authority

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Curled up in the corner I held my breath as I fixed the closed door in front of me with a hammering heart. Although Ratched had left a minute ago I couldn't mange to pull myself together. I sucked in a ragged breath as I tried to put my thoughts in order. I couldn't believe I'd admired this woman. Had I been so blind to see what was behind her mask? What else was the nurse capable of? I was on pins and needles as the realisation that she could come back any time crossed my mind.

Still staring at the door spellbound I listened to the silence, unsure what to do but remembering Nurse Ratched's threat I immediately banished the thought of leaving. I was really glad I hadn't dared to sneak out of the closet when Dr. Hanover's alarmed voice suddenly sounded from the other side of the door.

„Oh god...What...- How did he get in here!!?"

„Clearly he wasn't being supervised closely enough", Nurse Ratched scorned. I couldn't fathom how phony this woman actually was! Warm tears slid down my cheeks as the picture of the dead patient on the other side of the door crossed my mind again.

Will I ever be able to forget this horrible picture?

„God damn Bucket", the doctor growled, completely beside himself. "Oh no...The governor....! What am I supposed to do now? He is about to arrive at any possible moment. If he finds out about this I'll be ruined!! Everything I worked on-..."

„Dr. Hanover! You need to calm down!", Nurse Ratched loudly cut him off and that's when the doctor finally grew silent. Careful not to make any noise I sneaked towards the door and listened carefully. The sudden urge to storm out of the closet and tell the doctor the truth spread but her threat once again reminded me to better think twice before doing something I might deeply regret later. „You take care of the governor and pretend everything's alright. I'll take care of the corpse."


"You can rely on me, Dr. Hanover. That's what I'm here for. No one will know about this"

I took a moment to think about her words until an inkling of the possible pursued benefit Ratched could deride from the situation came over me. I shuddered at the horrible thought.

A moment of silence passed until I heard the doctor mumble a barely audible „Alright...", followed by a scarce „Thank you".

The room on the other side of the door then grew silent again. Tensed, I waited and waited and eventually shifted back to the corner. Time passed but Nurse Ratched didn't come. I didn't know how long I'd already been sitting on the cold floor of the closet. 10 minutes? 30 minutes? With great anxiety inside me time seemed to pass differently.

When a thud suddenly sounded from the other room I jumped up and settled my eyes on the door, which was opened just a second later and revealed the red-haired nurse. Ratched's body language told me she was calmer and more relaxed than earlier, yet the nurse was still wearing a blank expression.

„I see I've made myself clear", she remarked after a deliberate pause and clasped her hands in front of her body eyeing me. A barely visible little smirk appeared on her red lips as she sauntered towards my direction.

"Is this all about power and authority?", I cautiously dared to put my thoughts into words, pressing my back into the wall behind me. Her smile faded as quickly as it had appeared and was replaced with a cold stare. As she didn't reply I went on, panic showing through my voice. "Is this why you did such a horrible thing? To gain the doctor's trust?"

She just shot me a weak fake smile before she brought her hand up to my chin and lifted it with two fingers to make me look her in the eyes. At the sudden contact my heart missed a beat for whatever reason. When she spoke in a low but determined tone I could feel the woman's warm breath on my face, her gaze locked with mine the whole time. "What I did was an act of mercy for this patient and you listen to me carefully because I'm only gonna tell you this once. You are not to stick your nose into my affairs ever again. If you tell anyone about this I assure you this won't get past me and I swear I'll do anything to make sure you'll never get out of this hospital"

I suppressed a shocked gasp and gulped instead but couldn't manage to hold back the tears that welled up in my eyes again when I looked at her in awe. "Why are you like this? Can't you see you've crossed a line? You're abusing your authority!"

Nurse Ratched huffed, clearly unimpressed and raised an eyebrow. "What would a girl like you know? You're a just child. You wouldn't understand", she hissed, still looking me deep in the eyes with her piercing glare. Her words cut deep but I gritted my teeth, trying to show strength. "Now, get out of my sight"

Every last bit of courage leaving me at her harsh words I gulped and quickly rushed past her, trying to fight my tears.


𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 [Ratched X Reader]  Where stories live. Discover now