16 | Lobotomy

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When the news arrived in the early morning hours that Edmund Tolleson had broken out of Lucia State Hospital with the help of a nurse last night and had shot an officer and two staff members on his way out not only bewilderment and horror had spre...

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When the news arrived in the early morning hours that Edmund Tolleson had broken out of Lucia State Hospital with the help of a nurse last night and had shot an officer and two staff members on his way out not only bewilderment and horror had spread quickly among the nurses but also the patients. The fact that the infamous mass murderer was currently at large again had caused a great stir and an almost chaotic exceptional situation in the facility. Even Nurse Ratched had been wearing a troubled expression on her face lately plus she seemed to feel tetchy at every little thing. When she'd caught the younger nurses chatting at the counter about Edmund Tolleson, her voice had immediately boomed across the room as she'd called them out on not focusing on work and their confused and scared faces had bobbed apart, but they hadn't dared to start any unnecessary war with the ice lady. The whole incident seemed to impinge on her and I wondered why, although I shouldn't care.

In the afternoon they'd announced that Edmund had been shot as he'd been trying to escape with a stolen car after breaking into a convenience store. That was the exact moment when I felt like something had died in Nurse Ratched even if I couldn't exactly tell the reason. The blood had drained on her face and her gaze had suddenly became very empty before she pushed past the staff crowded around the radio and rushed into the dark corridor.

Later that day when everyone seemed to be busy discussing the incident in the entrance hall, I casually passed the nurses room as the head nurse, apparently alone in the room, suddenly smashed a radio on the floor and her piercing scream shot through the air, almost giving me a heart attack so I frozen to the spot and dared to take a fleeting glimpse into the room, unsure what was happening. Nurse Ratched stood with her back to me, heavily breathing, and slowly dropped to her knees. Her fiery hair had loosened from her up-do and was falling partly on her shoulder, the blue nurse cap lying on the floor next to the remains of the radio. Her chest was rising and lowering dangerously as she kneeled on the tiled floor, making me wonder whether she was extremely furious or crying but I didn't dared to enter. I'd never seen her like that before... Therefore I could just take in the scene in shock and instead quickly raced to my room, leaving her behind.


Days passed and I hadn't come across the nurse but of course, I'd sometimes found myself pondering over what had happened in the nurses' room. On the other hand, I had to grasp the opportunity as long the nurse wasn't around to figure out another way out of here but at the same time serious doubts had risen. Even if I get out of here where should I go? I don't have money, I don't have a home...

But the outcome was quite different and surprising: Dr. Hannover had approached me one day and promised me that I would be able to leave the hospital very soon. They would practice a new treatment on me for the very first time, which would finally be able to cure me. The lobotomy. He'd very briefly explained the procedure that would take place in two days and assured me that there wouldn't be any negative impacts afterward, so I'd consented after long contemplation. There was nothing left to lose anyway.

The news that this new allegedly evolutionary procedure was about to take place at Lucia State hospital had aroused interest among the public and eventually, the governor had announced his visit at the hospital to gain an impression of the basic conditions and of me, the first patient ever to undergo the treatment for lesbianism.

„I understand your worries but she's a grown woman, Miss Ratched. I am going to practice this advanced technique very carefully and I assure you I'm going to have everything under control. By the end of the week she'll be able to leave our facility", I heard Dr. Hannover speak to Nurse Ratched the next day at the governor's arrival on my way to the doctor's office, and when they noticed me their heads jolted in my direction and the doctor gave me a warm smile, meanwhile Ratched wore a quite pitiful look on her face. „Ah, Miss (Y/N)! This way! Tomorrow is about to go down in history and our dear governor would like to capture the moment before the eventful day. Isn't that great? You'll be able to see your face in next week's issue of the local journal!"

Ratched had just clasped her hands in front of her body and stayed silent, still gazing at me but I didn't return her glance. Before I could even get the chance to answer the governor appeared around the corner in a light grey suit and a matching hat of the same color. A taller man with a large moustache, probably the photographer, was walking at his side. „Good Morning, Dr. Hanover", he lifted his hat with a painted grin on his face, then nodded to greet the head nurse, „Miss Ratched. I won't beat about the bush: I have a very busy schedule, therefore time is running but a quick photo for the report about your treatment, Dr. Hanover, is for sure inevitable. We wouldn't want to withhold this evolutionary event from our citizens, would we!"

„Of course", Dr. Hanover just mumbled and exchanged a quick gaze with Nurse Ratched. Just as he was about to add something the governor noticed me and offered me his hand.

„You must be Miss Y/N. Delighted to meet you!"

„The pleasure is all mine", I just smiled awkwardly and hesitantly shook his rough, cold hand before his arm suddenly wrapped around my waist, making me feel a bit uneasy and he ushered me into the office, ignoring Hanover. „What a charming young lady you are. It's a shame you're suffering from this horrendous disease at such a young age already. You have your whole life ahead." The way the older man grinned at me made me shift slightly in discomfort but still I tried to keep my strained smile.

My gaze fell to the photographer entering the room, followed by Dr. Hanover and Nurse Ratched. As her gaze fell to the governor's hand on my body she froze for a moment and barely noticeable pressed her lips together, simultaneously her body seemed to tense up a bit but she didn't say anything and eventually followed the doctor. I didn't read too much into it - Why would she care, anyway?

Meanwhile, the photographer was advising them to position themselves next to the governor and me but I didn't listen to his words as the governor inconspicuously drew me closer to him. I wanted to free myself from his grip but at the same time, I found myself frozen to the spot, unable to shift away or open my mouth. A very uncomfortable situation.

By the time everyone had lined up, the governor's hand was still wrapped around my waist. I unintentionally glanced at Nurse Ratched standing next to me as our shoulders touched and our gazes met for a fleeting moment before I quickly faced the floor but then she did something I hadn't expected.

„Oh, please, don't lay your hand on her like that", the nurse suddenly spoke calmly with a sudden sickly sweet smile to the governor but a quite demanding tone was laced in her voice and the governor, a bit perplexed, indeed finally withdrew his hand slowly and cleared his throat. His earlier grin was giving away, sagging at the edges.

Relieved I finally felt my body relax. Nurse Ratched's and my gaze locked again for a brief moment, her brown eyes just looked at me but I couldn't read her expression, so I just gave her a scarce nod to thank her before the photographer caught our attention again and pressed the shutter button of the flash camera.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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