9 | Hydrotherapy

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I was sitting on the bed in my room - in the middle of reading - as the door suddenly flung open, making me look up from my book in surprise

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I was sitting on the bed in my room - in the middle of reading - as the door suddenly flung open, making me look up from my book in surprise. Nurse Bucket was standing with glasses on her nose in the threshold, holding a clipboard in her hand. I'd never seen the old nurse wearing those funny-looking glasses.

"Good Morning", she simpered as she approached the bed and continued full of enthusiasm, her blue eyes shimmering. "I'm proud to say Dr. Hanover has introduced a new revolutionary idea to treat maladies like yours and has chosen me to conduct it. Today you're going to be the first patient at this hospital to undergo the hydrotherapy"

"Hydrotherapy? Today? What exactly does this treatment entail?" I asked warily and slowly closed my book. A sudden nervousness seized me at the unexpected news.

"There's no need to worry, Miss Y/N.", Nurse Bucket promised, catching my growing discomfort. "Everything will be explained to you in detail. For now you're required to wear the gown on your nightstand. Please change now and afterward a nurse will pick you up and bring you to the therapy room"

With uneasiness, I glanced at the blue gown and opened my mouth but the nurse didn't grant me a chance to speak. "Time is ticking" After that she simply turned around and left the room quickly. Sighing I eyed the gown for another moment before I grabbed it. Maybe thanks to this therapy I'll finally be able to leave this hospital and would never have to face Ratched again. At the thought of her, a wave of sadness seized my body, followed by a stinging pain in my chest.

Why can't I forget her, erase her from my memories? Why can't I see that this woman is selfish and dangerous? Why does her hate towards me affect me so deeply?

Maybe this treatment wasn't too bad, though. Maybe it will make these wrong feelings for her go away...

After I'd changed and put my hair into an updo a doctor's assistant called Huck pushed me in a wheelchair towards an area of the hospital I'd never investigated before. As he opened a door and wheeled me into a bath with greenish tiles everywhere my actual uneasiness made its way back to the surface. Two bathtubs with opened metal lids were standing in the middle of the room.

"Where on earth is Miss Ratched? She was supposed to bring her here with you", Nurse Bucket frowned, looking furiously at Huck as she adjusted her glasses.

"I'm sorry. I don't know...", Huck who was standing behind my wheelchair mumbled tensed.

The old nurse took a deep breath, trying to compose herself at the given circumstances. "This woman...! - Anyways we're going to proceed now - with or without her, I don't care" Her gaze settled on me. "Miss Y/N, You're going to spend 20 minutes under our supervision in this nice warm bath" She indicated me to stand up, which I eventually reluctantly did, eyeing the steamy bathtub with insecurity.

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 [Ratched X Reader]  Where stories live. Discover now