6 | Revealing dark secrets

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Lost in thoughts I walked early in the morning through the dimly illuminated corridors of Lucia State hospital. I couldn't stop thinking about Nurse Ratched and yesterday's incident no matter how hard I tried.

She'd wanted to talk to me yesterday and right now I couldn't get rid of this uncomfortable feeling that running away from her like a scared dear had been a stupid and immature approach to deal with the whole situation. Maybe she'd just wanted to ask why I'd abruptly stormed out of the room. Maybe she'd been worried. Maybe she would just have clarified that I'd misheard her if I'd addressed the conversation she had with this patient. - Of course, she would have told me that there'd been a huge misunderstanding. Miss Ratched would never encourage someone to commit suicide! What a stupid and utterly misguided insinuation of me to assume she as a nurse who took care of her patients would do such a horrible thing. Surely my worries had been absolutely irrelevant.

When I approached the reception counter with a restless mind a young blonde nurse looked up from the book she was reading, chewing gum. "Can I help you?"

"I wanted to ask if I could speak to Nurse Ratched for a moment", I explained, nervously wiping a strand of my hair out of my face.

Unbothered she continued chewing her gum, taking a moment to eye me before she slowly put her book down. "Haven't seen her today. Maybe she's already in the nurse's room. Is there anything specific you need from her?"

"Umm...no...She just said she wanted to speak to me about my sessions", I quickly lied, causing her to give me a slight nod. The young woman grabbed her book again and waited a moment before she sighed as I didn't show a hint of leaving.

„Anything else?" A forced smile appeared on her thin red lips.

„Could you possibly show me where the nurses' room is?"

"Sure...", the young nurse pointed behind me. "This way, down the corridor and then turn left. You won't miss it"

"Thank you!"


The endless corridors, stairways, and countless closed doors of the hospital still remained a mystery to me. I'd been here for a while but still struggled to find my way sometimes.

But with the help of the nurse, I'd quickly found the nurses' room. Carefully I took a step forward and curiously explored the room with my eyes. Small white tables and pastel green couches and chairs stood in the middle of the place. To my left, I spotted a small kitchen connected to the room with a fridge, stove, and a counter. The flowery wallpaper reminded me of the one in my room.

I hesitantly stepped into the room but quickly figured out I was completely alone. No sign of Nurse Ratched...

Sighing I left and aimed to head back to the lobby but figured out I'd walked in the wrong direction as I found myself in front of a small, dark green-colored antechamber, leading to a white wooden double door with opaque glass. I'd never been here before.

‚Dr. Hanover's office' said a sign at the wall.

Through the opaque glass, I could discern the silhouettes of a person and as I approached the slightly ajar door I spotted the blue uniform of a nurse. Driven by curiosity I sneaked to the door to catch a glimpse of the person in the room and held my breath as I realized it was Nurse Ratched, standing with her back to the door. Her gaze was fixed on the floor.

Regardless of questioning what she was actually doing I carefully sneaked through the door and was about to address her and apologize for my odd behavior last afternoon but completely froze to the spot when I saw what she was actually looking at. She wasn't looking at something - She was looking at someone lying on the floor. It was the man she'd talked to yesterday. His eyes were closed and his head was lying in a pool of a dark red liquid. Blood.

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