11 | Appointment with Nurse Ratched

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Nurse Bucket had been furious for the rest of the week when she'd learned about the malfunctions in the bathroom where hydrotherapy had taken place. Her eyes had immediately roamed Nurse Ratched and it hadn't taken more than a brief moment before she'd accused the younger nurse of manipulating the place but Nurse Ratched had just worn this neat little smile on her face, pretending she hadn't known what the head nurse had been aiming at. I'd never been more relieved in my life when I'd figured out I wouldn't have to undertake this cruel treatment again. I hadn't been able to believe that Nurse Ratched had really done this for me as she'd promised - I still couldn't. Maybe she didn't hate me that much, maybe she'd started to feel sympathy for me. Whatever her reason was to suddenly act so caring towards me it filled my heart with joy.


With my gaze settled on the white tiled wall in front of me, I impatiently drummed my fingernails on the armrest of the examination couch. It didn't take long for me to let my gaze wander to the cabinet with the sink near me where several tools were placed on. There were no windows in the consulting room, the only source of light were some lamps on the ceiling that flooded the room in bright white light. Ugly bright white light.

I wasn't very fond of these regular health checks here but since it was a young nurse called Dolly who was responsible for mine they weren't too bad, though. As the youngest nurse here she was simultaneously one of the nicest - She would sometimes walk over to me and chat with me or ask me if her lipstick looked okay. I liked her.

Time had passed since they'd brought me here but no one had come yet. *Tick Tock - Tick Tock* went the clock non-stop. A sound that could make anyone go insane.

I winced as the door suddenly swung open and a tall figure entered the room with quick steps after the door had been shut with a loud bang. Startled I sat up as I realized it wasn't Dolly who'd come but no one other than Nurse Ratched who was holding a clipboard against her chest. At first, I was pleasantly surprised to see her but as I noticed her quite dark expression as she shot me a fleeting glance my happy mood immediately faded. No smile on her red lips, no greeting. I gulped, uneasiness growing inside me. She seemed different today...Colder...Distant... Maybe she'd just had a rough day...

Nonetheless, every time the heels of her white shoes connected with the ground a slight shiver ran down my spine. I sensed something was wrong but couldn't quite tell what exactly it was and where that feeling came from.

„Um...excuse me, I believe I have an appointment with Miss Dolly but she hasn't arrived here yet. Do you know where she is?", I stuttered, my nervousness showing through.

Nurse Ratched walked past me, ignoring me at first without batting an eyelash but then turned around after she'd put the clipboard on the cabinet. As she spoke the disregard in her voice became evident. „She won't come therefore I'll proceed"

„Oh- Is she okay?" Frowning I observed her as she turned away brusquely and went through the drawers. My heart sank at her sudden distant behavior. What was going on? One day she helps me and shares intimate details about her life, the other day she suddenly has a heart of stone? Again I found myself in a state unable to read her behavior, which made me insecure.

Nurse Ratched then approached the examination couch I was sitting on with a blood pressure cuff, which made me more than nervous. „I strongly believe this is none of your concern, Y/N. Now lean back again, we're not done with you" Before I could blink twice she snatched my arm and firmly wrapped the cuff around it, making me grit my teeth at her rough approach. The woman had indeed turned into the cold-hearted nurse again.

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