5 | What is she up to?

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The fever first advanced sneakily as time passed, then spread quickly without a warning

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The fever first advanced sneakily as time passed, then spread quickly without a warning. No, I wasn't sick - It was that kind of fever I'd already experienced once before in school when I'd been in Mrs. Underell's class.

I couldn't sit still when I randomly spotted the nurse walking down the corridor, I felt hot and cold in terms every time she handed me my medication and looked at me with her beautiful dark brown eyes. My entire body was telling me like it was connected to a magnet, that I had to encounter her as often as possible and to get to know her better. I wanted to be near the nurse, hear her beautiful deep voice and study her perfect face all day long.

Deep inside I as her patient knew very well pursuing a forbidden relationship with her, a straight woman and member of authority, was pointless, highly inappropriate, and more than unrealistic. Wasn't it somehow ironic? That's exactly why I was here, right? To cure me of my sapphic thoughts and yet I'd fallen for a nurse.

Oh, Miss Ratched, what have you done to me?


"What did you mean when you said Ratched hides some secrets?" Resting my hands on my lap I faced Aaron who was sitting opposite me on the couch in the lobby, absorbed in a newspaper.

"See who it is. It's been a while since we talked", he smiled, not looking up from the newspaper. "I wasn't so sure if you would dare to approach me again as you seemed a bit intimidated by me last time"

"Well, you must confess it's a bit intimidating to be warned by a stranger about some pills they prescribe us here"

Finally, Aaron lifted his gaze and slowly put the newspaper on the table, keeping his mysterious smile. "If you say so. I just wanted to be polite and help you. Why are you so eager to learn about our dear Miss Ratched?"

For a moment I feared I couldn't provide a reasonable answer as I wasn't sure why this woman intrigued me so much. "You made me curious", I then simply answered with an innocent smile and looked down at my hands, fearing he would dig deeper. When I lifted my gaze in hopeful anticipation again Aaron took a moment to glance around the lobby before he indicated me to lean closer. Excitement hitting me as if I was doing something forbidden, I immediately obliged.

"She's a smart woman, always reflecting precisely on her actions and choosing her words very wisely before she speaks, which isn't that hard to tell. What's more fascinating about her is the way she managed to get into this hospital...Before you got here there was a young nurse at the reception counter when Miss Ratched first sought employment here and was waiting for an interview with Dr. Hanover. Do you know what was odd? The hospital didn't even have the resources to bring yet another nurse on so why would the doctor enable an interview? Miss Ratched had to leave but just a few days later this one nurse suddenly quit her job and disappeared so Miss Ratched took her place"

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