13 | A simple favor

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Warning: sexual content


Holding my breath I peered into the darkness, not daring to move a single muscle as I discerned the silhouettes of a person standing in front of the closed door

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Holding my breath I peered into the darkness, not daring to move a single muscle as I discerned the silhouettes of a person standing in front of the closed door. I'd just woken up hearing a noise. My heart raced and fear was clouding my senses as I stared into the darkness, my hands firmly clung to the covers. The figure was just standing there, which frightened me even more but somehow I managed to open my mouth, my breath was shaky.

"H-hello? Who's there?"

At the sound of my strained voice the figure released from its position and when the figure steered towards me the sound of heels echoed through the small room. With a pounding heart I observed the scenario - the figure's shape got clearer and cleared until I perceived a woman's frame. When she paused in front of my bed, the pale light of the moon shining on her body and I recognised Nurse Ratched in a green strapless silk dress. Her red hair was pinned up as usual, on her plump lips a dark shade of red, black mascara rounded the look off. Her ravishing beauty made me for a moment forget to question what she was doing here.

"I see you're not at the dance", the woman remarked, hinting at an expected explanation from me. It was the night after I'd tried to call my brother, the night I was supposed to be at the dance but I had stayed in my room instead.

I still sat completely stiff in my bed in the probably most uncomfortable position but my muscles wouldn't move. "I feel sick", I stuttered, my anxious gaze never leaving the nurse who'd forcefully slapped me two days ago. Why was she here? Why wasn't she at the dance? After all she, the head nurse, had organised it.

"Sick?", she repeated skeptically and glared down at me with her dark eyes that shimmered in the moonlight. Ratched took a step closer until she was towering right in front of me, making me feel small, before she bent towards me, extending her arm „Let me check"

"No, thank you" Faster than she could react I backed off and pressed my back into the bed rest, ready to dodge again if necessary.

"No?", her face held an amused expression as she sat down on the mattress and fixed me with keen eyes. "What are you worried about? I'm a nurse, I take care of my patients. There's nothing to worry about...unless this sickness is entirely fictitious"

A snort of indignation escaped me, simultaneously I pulled the covers closer to my chest. What on earth was up with these sudden changes of her personality? "I would really appreciate it if you leave now, Miss Ratched"

"Oh, would you?", Nurse Ratched shifted closer to my shivering body. Less than an inch separated our bodies. Of course I was in a state of paralysation, captured by fear and nervousness at her presence. She was scaring the hell out of me. Shouldn't she loathe me for what I'd done at the appointment? Why had she really come here? Why did she act so strange all the time? "Allow me to ask you a question, Y/N" I didn't even get the chance to argue but her next words would have taken me aback anyways. „You've made it obvious that you have feelings for me. What do you find so intriguing about a woman like me? I'm more than twice your age, my girl"

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