Viva la Europe - Monaco

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"You got any more change?" Raab checked through his wallet. "Damn. I'm gonna have to hit the ATM."

"I'll come with," Tim offered. "Man, look at this lobby. It's pretty special coming in, but look at all the ticket stubs and lint on the floor."

"You can't be picky," Raab argued. "It's the closest casino to the hotel. Only a walk across the street! I'm gonna go in the pool when I get back to my suite."

"I heard Bam snuck up on Jessie," Tim chuckled. "She was out on a recliner and he chucked her in. She wasn't too pleased."

"She tell you that?" Raab asked. "What else she tell you?"

"That you helped Bam," Tim smiled. "Budge up, Raab. You're next in line."


"Part of me has enjoyed this trip," April nodded. "But another part wants to get back to Westchester. You know I asked Hanna's mom to water the garden?"

"We should put in sprinklers," Phil got up from the couch. "The air conditioning needs to be cooler. Feels like we're back in Venice."

"Oh, I know," April fluffed her hair. "This suite is so nice. Jessie said hers has a balcony out onto the ocean. She offered to swap but I want her to have the opportunity."

"She makin' motions about getting a job yet?" Phil asked. "Hope she doesn't feel like she has to best Bam, or Jess."

"Oh, you know," April rolled her eyes. "She's doing so much, that kid. She'll burn herself out. It's good timing she met Tim. She can slow down and focus."

"He's a good kid," Phil nodded. "Where's that remote? There's not much good on these channels. Hey, you think Bam will mind if we pay for the extra channels?"

"What movie are you thinkin'?" April leaned over. "The programme guide's down near my suitcase. Hand it over, willya? Thanks. Now Phil, I know you don't like chick flicks... "


"You got everything?" Jenn yawned. "Bam, I'm serious. My iPod's still back in Munich. I've as much chance as getting that back as Vito does his luggage."

"Yeah, yeah," Bam zipped up his suitcase. "You got the room key?"

"Look at this hallway," Jenn's voice echoed. "We're meeting them in the lobby, right? This is the last hotel I'll be stayin' at for a while. At least, as long as you bring me next time. You will, won't you?"

"Course," Bam frowned. "Don't make it sound serious. I'm figuring on livin' on Bam world for a long while yet."

"And then?" Jenn asked hopefully.

"And then I'll skate!"

"We have to settle down sometime," Jenn pursed her lips. "And you know, what with this ring you've given me... "

"Don't talk to me about that," Bam moaned. "C'mon, cheer up. Don't make that face."

"Press the button," Jenn folded her arms. "God this elevator is small. You know, I will tell you something. But only because I want somebody to tell. And you have to promise not to tell Tim, or Jessie."


"I saw him coming out of her suite," Jenn raised her eyebrows. "When I put the tray out for room service."

"Did he catch you?"

"No, his room was the other way. And I waited a bit - you remember? - and knocked on Jessie's door asking if she'd seen my iPod. Of course, she knew I lost it in Munich... and it all became sorta awkward."

"You think they're fuckin'?" Bam grinned.

"I don't know if he came back... maybe he got his stuff," Jenn shrugged. "You have to not tell Tim."

"Jenn, I'm sittin' next to the guy on a flight in the next two hours," Bam grinned. "There's Ape and Phil. You see how heavy he is? At least he can load our suitcases into the shuttle."

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