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Inks pov

I place my hands on the ceramic window sill. Odd choice for a window sill but it's not my house. They wont let me go back there.
As I stare into the forest a flickering light catches my eye. Could it be Nightmare signaling me?

I don't care who it is. I'm not staying here to find out.

I jump on my feet, straightening my back as I put one foot on the surface.

"Dont make me do it"

My head whips around to see blue, standing as tall as his shaking and uncertain body will allow him. His finger hovers over a panic button.

I take a deep breath and jump.
An alarm sounds as I land hard on the stone path. I used to be good at this. Then again, I used to be alot of things.

Forcing my body upwards, I begin to run as fast as I can. Little glass sounds chime around me.
I soon realize it's the porcelain falling off of my body.
No not just porcelain. My bone too.
Blood slowly escapes within the porcelain shield, or in some case, no barrier and coats the stone floor. It threatens to trip me for the pounding chase behind me to catch up.
I wont allow this. I cant let it happen

I get to the spot where I think I saw the flash. To my dismay it's just the moon shining off the river bank.
The people behind me get closer and closer.

I drop to my knees, dirtying whatever dress they stuck me in today.
I dont know where to go.
I don't know what to do.

They're so close and I have no plan.

I slowly lean over, gripping the muddy banks, as my head reaches the edge of the water.
Should I crawl into it?
No I cant drown.. Besides I cant do that to Nightmare and Error. 

I give up. Let them take me back.

My breath is thrown back in my face by the mud as I begin to hyperventilate. This isnt what I imagined. This isnt how it's supposed to end.
They'll catch me and trap me like a bird.
I'll never let go.

I slowly bring my tear streaked face up to meet the moon shimmering water. I'm in a bowling position before it.
Everything is lost and hopeless.
They're boots meet up with the edge of the bank.
My name will be called any second and I'll be grabbed away.

I go to put my head back down, to succumb to this end as something slowly breaks from the trees. Not on the ground, but in the air
I see Dream reach my area. One head move and I'm done for.

Good thing a tentacle scooped me into the trees before my fate.

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