fails and echos

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♡Inks pov♡

My eyes shoot open and scan the room. Right... With Nightmare and error.
I fall back into the bed with a huff. It feels like I've been here for months...

The plastic numbs sprawl out to guide my palm, searching for one of thier warmth. But none was there. I'm all alone..
Do they trust me now..?

I feel so tired and drained, lacking motivation to get up. But I need to. I cant be thier toy.
A small groan comes from my throat as I lift the heavy plastic to its feet and force it to move. There are several doors to the room. Most are bordered up and have terrifying sounds.
behind them. How can Nightmare sleep with that going on?

I hobble over to the only one that doesnt look like a trip back to Scis medical table and push it open with my shoulder.
The warm air circles around me as I walk in, no regard for anyone waiting to ambush me.
The room is mainly dark, lit by a few candles.   I put my palm in them to change the colour. A pretty pink engulfs the room until a drop of melted porcelain rolls off.
my finger and puts the flame out.
I sigh and continue on, taking in the room as I go. The warm has steadily dissolved into coldness. I wish I'd brought a blanket...

My feet go out from beneath me and I land hard. The substance smells like chalk and lemons... I dip my finger into it. It's like the substance Horror put me in... but... different. 
I slowly get onto my feet, following the trail of liquid.
It led to a smashed tank.. like mine. The cracks look like something blunt hit it.. maybe Nights tentacle.  A pile of dust laid in it..
Beside it laid a pair of shoes and generic sans clothing. It has blood spattered on it and ripped a little. There was a struggle.
Tools were scattered across the floor, echoing a fit of rage from someone.
In big red letters, someone spelt
'test 16. Fail' in wobbly letters.

*no ones pov*

Ink breathed hard, beginning to panic. Fail? what does that mean... fail of what?

He moved forward into the room. Another tank. another set of clothes. Another rage. Another fail.

it kept going until he hit fail 13. The sans... was in the tank. He let out a pained moan and tried look at Ink, only being able to move his eyes.
There was the word 'fail' written beside him. He was left to die...

Ink bashed on the glass, trying to open it and free the poor soul.
Only he couldn't. The glass was too strong and he was too weak with all his modifications.
He began to panic and did his best to run. Running to Dream.. he would save them..

Test subjects 12, was melted. His face constantly dripped downwards. Like he was covered in ice.

Test 11 was missing

Test 10... could move his mouth.
He screamed as loud as he could for Ink to run.
A chorus of droning screams came from beyond him. They had trouble moving thier mouths, so the words didnt work.
some screamed for help with wailing and scared voices.
But he couldn't. Ink couldn't help. He couldn't even try..

He didnt wanna go forward.  He didnt wanna see all of those poor people. But he had to. There were  no more exits.
Instead he backed into a wall, between number 10 and 9 and screamed.
Was this his fault? How could he help them... How??

the candle flames grew larger and larger around ink until they met his throat. It began to strangle him and take his vision again. It was worse then the buttons, as he didnt know what was happening.  A hard thud rang throughout the room as the pleas slowly quieted. Then everything was calm.

timeskip. Now's the time to get water. Have you eaten today? If you havent, please go do it. Have you slept lately? maybe do that too soon. You are important,  remember it♡♡

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