Dreams and Nightmares

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Weeks had gone by. Nightmare doesnt let me out of this room. I keep throwing fits but nothing works. He just pins me down until I stop, or ignores me, reading a book.  I swear I heard him mutter 'wasnt worth it'

I roll over on my bed and look at the barred window. I wanna see that Yellow Skele again. They out him away so he wouldnt hurt me but I'm intrested by him.
It wouldnt hurt to visit him.

My mouth opens once and I'm immediately shot down
"no were not seeing the blue or yellow guys sweetie. why dont you draw instead?" he suggested

"mmm I need flowers to draw" I say

"I brought you flowers" he referenced the Rose's on the desk

"But can I have Lavender to study? I wanna draw a meadow and they're my two favourite flowers" I beg

"I thought rose and dandelion was" he said

"no dandelion are weeds honey" I respond

he sighs "do you really need them?"

"yes noot noot" I convince with help of puppy eyes

"fine, just for you" he gets up and leaves the room. Theres a small click in the door, signaling its locked.

I immediately jump up and look around for a way out. The window is barred, besides Nightmare can see me and will stop me.
The door is locked. The only other thing is.. the laundry shoot.

I sigh and open it. The ring of the lid echoes all the way down... I think. It's all black and scary. They wont allow me to throw my own clothes down it incase I fall. I'm not even allowed to touch it.

Well better this then nothing. I close my eyes and go down the slide from hell. Its fast, but painful. The metal scraping my bones as we go down. Little chips fly every where.

I finally land on a soft pile of clothing, still with a thud and a bit of pain. mainly dresses but some other laundry too. Mostly Crosses.
I scramble to get up. The clothes begin to tangle me up and trap me. To which I cannot escape. I begin to roll, clothing coming with me. After what seem like hours I escape the large hill.
I get off the mound and slam onto the ground, hearing my face shatter. This makes me panic immediately.
My hands fly up to touch it, but instead are grabbed and my body pulled upwards. I'm soon face to face with a seething Nightmare. His face is something fierce. 

My body immediately shakes in response.  He looks terrifying. Like he will kill me any second

"what... are... you doing" he hissed

"I fell!" I lie


"I jumped"


"I wanted to see Yellow guy-"
I'm immediately struck with a hard hand.

"I said no. He will hurt you" He yelled

I begin to blubber and loose my ability to form words.

"look. Even trying to get to him you're all bruised and broken. Itd be worse if you met up with him" he tells me sternly
I believe it. If the universe is stopping me this much from getting to him it must me trying to tell me something.

"now now, stop crying. We'll get you fixed up" he says softly

"I'm sorry" I yell abruptly

"you're forgiven. But don't disobey me again" he says, picking me up.

He blindfolds me and takes me to another place. It's cold here. All I hear is screaming now.

Im placed on a hard bench. Before I can sit up the cage door locks.
"wait here.... I changed my mind. you can see the yellow guy" he smiled and left

I begin to look around. He seriously put me in a jail cell??
The cage to my left is empty but the one to my right has a well looking yellow skeleton in it. Someone has been taking care of him

I begin to scream as loud as I can and back into the wall of the cell

"inky inky I wont hurt you!" lied the other skeleton

"why would Nightmarw tell me you would if you wouldnt??" I scream

"because he lies!! he hurts you!!"

"no you're lying! he cares about me" I shriek back

"Inky please believe me" he began to whimper "you're not in the right mind baby boy"
I'm laying on a bed. Someone caressing my head softly.  My entire body aches of pain. Theres black slime and blue chords all over me. I just want death.

The door opens to a yellow skeleton who picks me up and rocks me gently, putting liquid down my throat. The pain almost evaporates.
"there baby boy... just trust me" he says in a silky soft voice. It makes me feel... safe
I flash back to the skeleton standing before me. I'm much closer now. My face almost pressing the bars.

It's the same one... but .. I dont understand

I shake my head to clear it. Nightmare is the good guy... but who's slime was hurting me?

The yellow skeleton reaches out and caresses my cheek
"remember me baby boy... remember" he pleads

Porcelain falls off my face where he touched.
I get it now

I jump up
"you're trying to kill me... you're trying to take the porcelain away!" I shriek

"Ink the porcelain hurts you! but that was an accident!" he tries

Footsteps run down the hallway towards us.

"it wasnt. All you do is hurt me Dream. I hate you"

His eyes shrink back and he stops forming words.

Error pulls me out and hands me to Nightmare. I'm out in his chest and hugged tight.
He drags me down the hallway and into another room. Aw I dont even get to look at the stones this time.

The room smells horrid.
In the middle has a tube of milky white liquid in it. Horror is at the top, adding the final touches

I know what it is. I begin to remember more tubes... more like me.

"well Ink. your porcelain has chipped too much... either you get in willingly or well, broken things break more, honey"  Nightmare tells me sternly

I gasped and back up. I know I don't want to go into it but what choice do i have.

I slowly remove my clothing and climb up the ladder. My legs swing across to skim the surface of the mixture. 

Theres one more look at them, and I jump in.

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