Your mine

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The last thing i remember was the flashing light and the sharp pain that followed.

Slowly, after what seemed to be hours, my sockets crack open and are greeted with miles of poorly lit blackness.
Puddles of blood and water surround the cold cement floor. Where am I? The darkness breaks with a squeek. A door. I flip over and prepare to attack, reaching for my weapons. Theyre missing.....along with my normal clothing. I stand painfully in a pair of old ripped up karen pants. Probably one of the bad sanses old pairs, due to thier baggyness. My more narrow rib cage is more or less on display along with my many tattoos....

A silloute appers in the glow, only to shut the door, submerging us in darkness once again

"WHOS THERE??" I scream as best as i can

"Oh no Doll. Ill be asking the questions" an erry voice answers. Rattling and dragging can be heard and small movments. Theyre coming closer.

The sound keeps coming closer then farther. Theyre trying to eathier scare me or confuse me.

The rattling speeds up and im tackled to the ground, knocking out a tooth and cracking my jaw. My arms are bounded with chain along with my feet.

The chain is grabbed and im forced to stand, or more dangle as they put a blind on me. The figure pulls me closer, not giving me the chance to stand. They whisper near my ear, sending chills down my spine

"Welcome to youe new home"


Sorry it wasnt as good as the first one. I hope youll forgive me.

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