Always there

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tallies are in and keep reading to find which was picked. Or go read the comments. This ways but,, you know ppl will do that way. //

thanks for voting♡

*Inks Pov*

I frantically scratch and scream at the window trying to get their attention. There is no way for me to get down there. I begin to panic. What if they dont find me. What if they dont know I'm here??

My panic outburst draws long soild steps from the hall. The slow movements guarantee its Nightmare.

My body freezes and I dont dare turn around. He just ...stands there. His tentacles moving delicately and precise. I look up to the window again to see his reflection as the army moves towards the castle.
His eyes meet mine, as he looks from his brother. A long sigh is given and he looks down, beginning to walk once again.

Having the king of negativity so close send shockwaves of pulsing pain through my body. Like one of my depression episodes. It feels exactly like it... My body shakes and I want to cry but I can't. It wont allow me.

He puts one arm around me, ignoring my dilemma and the other in his pocket. The tendrils wave around us... Everything about Nightmare seemed... calm and calculated. I cant quite put my finger on it

A long sigh is given once again and he begins to speak

"after this is over... dont forget. We did this out of love. And... we will spare nothing to get you back"

Dreams Army bursts into the lower floors of the castle just as I see Horrors reflection running to me. His axe raised to the blunt side.

I try to duck but Nightmare has a firm hold on me. He doesnt look at me. Just looses his gaze in the sea of trees.

A hard blow is given to the back of my head and I feel it spilt. Either the porcelain or my skull cracks into tiny splinters in the back. Night holds me in place as I fall and go dizzy.

It takes a good few minutes of everything spinning out of control for them to notice what state I'm in.
My eyes are on the floor, but in the top of my vision I can make out his Tendril coming again.
This time all that happens is nothing.

I see nothing. I hear nothing.
Nothing happens.

dream time~~

♡still inks POV, bc trust me itll be cuter♡

I hold both Dream and Blues hand as they pull me alongside the corn field. We were doing Farmer Sanes cornmaze for "fun". Blue suggested it and would not let up about it. So now were stuck in some corn. All of us can teleport out, I can hover up and see but noooo itll ruin the fun they said.
Its pitch black out and no one knows were here.

The universe's only defense team is gonna die in some corn because a midget gave puppy dog eyes. Yeah that sounds right.
Dont get me wrong I love fun, but work comes first. And the little crap used it against us. As soon as we were done the weeks work he dragged us.

I look up to the stars and sigh

"what if I showed you guys how to navigate the stars?" I asked "Outertale Sans once showed me how...,"

Dreams eyes lit up first as he began to beg me how. He may be taller but he can be one of the cutest at times.

"okay, so you see that big shiny one?" I outstretch my gloved hand to point "that's the false star... if we go down... that's the North star... we can follow it home... i think. " I admit the last part a tad sheepishly. The sparkles of the stars were distracting okay?

They believe me although I'm probably wrong, and by some stroke out luck we make it out alive.
I look to the moon to gauge the time, putting my hands to the stars. Its 3am. We have to be up at 7am for meetings.

I sigh heavily
"theres no point in sleeping now... what should-"

"MAZE!!" they both shout

"no no no -" I scream and begin to run. The two older come after me, giggling as if they weren't about to drag me into a torcher device.
I trip on a root and tumble down the hill, ruining some of the fruits as I smack into them.

Dream gasps and runs.down the side to help me.
He pulls out some plasters and peroxide from his bag

"I knew one of you was gonna get hurt somehow" he admits..
Blue puts me on his lap as I struggle a bit, wanting away but not to hurt my friend in any way.

Dream processes to clean all of the wounds as I make empty threats to both of them in the deepest voice I can muster.
Soon after I'm covered in purple plasters with glowing stars. I look like a toddler, which upsets me a bit. What if someone sees and I look even weaker? my height doesn't help my image at all.

I sigh and get up
"what next?"

"you choose" Dream jumps up to stand by me and takes my hand again.

"you..really like my hands" I smile as Blue takes the other.

I only get nods in response as I lead them up the hill. Perfect.

Dream takes off his Cape to set on the ground for us and I quickly protest. His bother made it, before he got corrupted. It was of the the most important things to him.

He picks me up and sets me on it.
"no, just sit. It's fine" he smiles and sits aswell.
Blue goes on the other side of him as I keep on
"we can use my scarf-"
"you dont have it with you"
"how about just the ground?"
"its wet baby"
"what about-"
"sh sh sshut up" he cooed and brought both of us into his chest, humming lightly.

I give up and focus on the stars as I tried to stay awake..Dream had other plans as he used calming magic

"you're so mean.." I slur as I pass out

"I know" he chuckled and rubbed my skull..

Dream over- go drink water you little rascal

My body is jerking around alot. It starts to get painful and I moan out slightly to get them to stop.

It doesn't, disappointingly, but someone his staring to grab me and talk lightly.

My eyes force open and I see the brown ceiling. I know this ceiling.. it looks like the one of a naturalistic house I know.

I prop up on my elbows to see where I am.

Sci and UT!Alphys are discussing something at my feet, while Sci examines one.
I'm covered in a multicoloured honeycomb pattern quilt, as my dress is gone aswell.

My vision is so fuzzy my I can make out slightly things like that.

Someone comes into my blurry vision. A Golden skeleton with half of his armour removed..
The blue one sits beside me, grabbing something, still holding my hand.

Carrot and Classic are also in my sight, but I dont know what they're doing. Theres a few more skeletons in the other room.. I think. Either that or my hearing is messed up.

Dream sets me back on the pillows as I cry slightly in pain. Sci jumps up to get something for the pain, I hope, knowing I'm awake.

He comes over and shoots something into my arm and the pain begins to dissolve.
The blurry Dream smiles a bit and caresses my skull as lighty as he can with one hand. The other is locked onto mine. I cant feel it through both the pain and the porcelain. This upsets me more then it should.
My eyes snap back up to Dream, who keeps smiling. I finally notice there are tears in this sockets. He looks... happy but sad. Hes.. never sad.
He opens his jaw slightly, trying to find calming or reassuring words. They seem to stick to him until something finaly comes out.

"you're home baby boy.. you're home"

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