Well this sucks

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Dream and Blue look at each other, confused and distressed. I shouted my abusers name. Is that normal? He will help me, I know it. It doesn't matter about what he did.

My mind goes fuzzy again and slams onto the floor

♡♡let's go into a dreaaaam♡♡

Horror kneels down and grabs my chin. He lifts it up and smiles at me. In his hand, holding near his shoulder is a small gun sort of deal.

Is Nightmare trying to manipulate my dreams now..?

The other sanes occupy the room. Once they notice me, they seem to shut up. They look at me with relaxed or amused expressions. Like I'm about to entertain them

"this... is muscle relaxer. This going to make you.... durable" he chuckled and set the gun up "this is called Cyclobenzaprine. The side effects... arent good. You may wanna stay with us. They cant take care of you"

He stood up and showed the little vail

"Cyclobenzaprine comes in a little glass vail" he explains

"a little glass vial?" I ask

"a little glass vial" is shot back

"and the little glass vial goes into the gun like a battery" he slammed it back in "and the Cyclobenzaprine gun goes somewhere against your anatomy"

He quickly puts the gun by my throat and his finger hovers the trigger. The others come around as if they're waiting to attack.

"And the gun goes off, it sparks and you're ready for surgery" he smiled and shot it in.
Theres a flash of light along sharp pain ensues and I fall into his arms.

**Back into the real world. And whoever got the reference. Were now best friends. **

I begin to scream, waking up. Dream comes over and shakes me in desperation to get me back. My body hurts. The pressure points, my ribs, my arms, my legs . They feel like they've been taken off and put back on.

Dream yells at Blue, who scrambles to get Sci again.
It takes a few minutes for someone to come in. It feels more like forever.

Sci comes and checks where the pain is coming from.
"Theres nothing wrong with him" Sci growls "it may be psychological" he sighed

"that doesnt help with a solution" Dream snarled back. Dream being upset is terrifying. It always means something is wrong. 

"what are we to do? I've never dealt with this. Grab the muscle relaxer maybe we can stop the feeling. We can still talk to him" he suggested.

Blue tosses it to him and Sci gives it to my arm, shooting the small dosage to him. It hurts. A small stinging is made there before all the pain goes away.

Well it's more like a lessening pain until it goes away. This takes a good ten minutes to vanish into a numbing feeling.

Dream sits by me and just holds me. I'm unable to move, do to the porcelain and the new medicine.
This helps with the panic. And theres nothing I can do. Except maybe get back to them. They could help me.

Dreams POV

I sigh and slowly rock Ink. He seems to be distant and unable to focus.

"How the hell do we fix this?" I ask, trying to chip the porcelain

"Well its fused with Inks bone. We can sedate him and try to chip the porcelain off?" he suggested "but it will get into his bone. There will be mistakes. And we need to take it about a layer down in order to get it all off. Then physical therpay in order to help him to walk probably. theres too many errs in the plan " he admitted

"why not put him in a sauna and let it melt" blue asked gently.

"Well it needs to be hot enough to melt it. And we dont know what it's made of. It could just Hardern it and trap him more" he explains "let's get a sample of it and I'll test it. We will have to see what can break it down" But itll take a week."

"well keep him occupied" I nodded and try to think of what. maybe distract him with movies or something. He won't like it. But he will have to deal for a while.

"alright. Let's get it" he comes over to my Ink and grabs his arm. This gets his attention and he begins to pull agaisnt him
"hold him please, Dream" He asked while coaching blue on grabbing things. I reculanty grab him and let Sci take some of the porcelain off of him.

He puts it in the test tube and closes the lid
"I'll be back in an hour" he nodded, being polite and left them alone.

I look at blue
"what do we do?" I sigh and hold ink closer. He kicks his feet a little, upset. Ink is uncomfortable now but I cant do anything.
I just close my eyes and keep rocking Ink, as Blue comes over and leans with me. This feels familiar.
I sigh and just hold my babies as the clock ticks down.


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