freedom of the forest

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(Sorry if this was written bad. I just had a another breskdown and this helped, but is written horribly. Ill rewrite it asap)

The door swings open and my head rolls back to see Error. Yes, i cleaned the room. It was hard, due to not being able to move and having plastic as a limb. But he does take two hour showers, longer if Night wasnt bashing on the door for him to get out.
He walks around, sliding his fingers ontop of bookshelves and any surface bascailly. Proabaly to be a jerk.
"You have a use for something doll" he accounces and picks me up, like a ragdoll. Again.

He walks out into the living room and drops me there.
"Lets see how you can do here"
Its even worse then his room. Like why is there gum on the ceiling. The ceiling.
This sets me off.

I use the wall as a support to crawl up to my normal level.

"And how do i perform that? I cant move!!"

"I dont know. Just do it!!" He screams and goes to his room. No. Im done.
I hobble to the door, unlocking what seems to be thousands of locks with my tiny plastic nubs.

The door blasts open and icy air, it pushes me back into the house. Maybe a sign to stay.
Never the less I ingore this fantom warning and stumble out into the snow. Sharp shivers make their way through my body, starting anywhere they possibly could.
I force the plastic holding my body together forward in a pace as run, but a view of a someone trying to walk outta a pool. Hard jagged movements.
The strong scent of evergreen and pine flies with the air. The forest is close. Meaning im able to hide.

Just on the edge i look back. I was right. Were in Dreamtale.
Beyond this forest is ruins. Dead land littered with forgotten memories. The only reason this part is alive is because Nightmare liked the trees. He liked the green tops covered with snow that spread out for miles. It looks like something straight out of a stort book.
Of course, if you were to ask him, he'd say coverage, and deny his love with his hatred for his mother. To do this he makes sure every living plant in the aus they destroy are taken out first, or before we can stop them. Its quite fascinating, honeslty.
Im snapped out of my thoughts when the sound of bark spittling and blasting away rings beside my head. I go to turn, but my face is hit with cold metal. My entire body moves to face outwards. Horror stands s few yards away, still in his throwing stance. His eyes narrow in anger as my scared little ones meet his.
I waste no time, kicking the snow to start me up. He will catch me, since im running with plastic for support.

I look behind me to see no one. But the hard breathing is still aduable.
Before i can look back I bash into a tree, sending my body backwards. My vision splits, but the bare bark is still visable to me.
Without a single thought, my hands slap the bark in an attempt to grab a sturdy positioning. Once ahold of one i begin pulling my now frail body up the bark. It keeps grabbing at my dress, ripping and bouncing the thin fabric as i climb. 

Horror emerges from the other trees into my small clearing. The snow is heavy so my footprints have been erased with the wind. He heads forward, axe in hand and anger painted on his face.  I sigh in relief and try to go up more, only to loose my footing and fall a few feet, the bark taking some bone with it. Once a spot is sturdt again, i take a second to catch my breath, terrified.  Dream always warned me to never look down if im in danger, but hes not here to yell at me.
I crane my head to look down, and immdelity regret it. Its so far. If i fall im breaking so many things. The longer i look the farther down it gets. My stomach ties into a knot and i push my head into the tree, closing my eyes.
I wanna go home.
Once my courage is regained, i climb another ten feet and sit on a long thick branch. About twice the size of my fore arm. The tree is huge, towering over almost all the others in this pact of trees, spanning as long as i can see. This is a huge Au. The creator should be proud...

I rest on the branch, tying myself down with the ribbon to the branch, just incase i fall.
The snow picks up and i raise my hands to my face, to warm them with my breath. They shake as they are lifted and i center on my palms, but get some of the plastic unfrozen aswell. They need to function.
I bring my knees up and under to be protected by the skirt. I need the warmth.

Tomorrow i will find the portal. The star sanses hide a few on each au, depending on size, so they can make it home if injured and unable to use their powers.

I look to the horizon. The sun has set, and the moon is just coming out. Meaning the temp is just going to drop more.
I watch a few more snowflakes fall before closing my eyes. Itll go quicker if im sleeping.  Or ill die.
But it will be painless. 

I shut my mind off to everything, so no bad thought can scare me. Of course this doesnt work.
So im lulled to sleep by my own fears and mistskes

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