meet the doll makers

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(A/n quickly. Thank you for wanting the book continued ^^ i love writing it. Also why is this book getting so much attention now? Qwq)

♡inks pov♡
The moving stops, and i hear low whispers until the blanket is whipped off. Im almost paralyzed at this point. Error leaves through the door, leaving me alone in the dimly lit room with those metal medicalish tables around me. So, instead of letting my phobia kick in,  i count the tacky crap on thier walls. Wait, everything is tacky. Nevermind
I bonk my head on the glass, groaning. Why wont they just use me? Like why are they doing this?
The door opens again, but i really dont care. My middle finger to to whoever it is. The box is spun fast around, so im slammed backwards into the glass wall behind me. Doesnt break. Surpise.

The door is opened and im grabbed by the upper arm, and placed in a sitting position on one of the cold tables. Before i can do anything a needle is shoved in my neck, completely parazling me. Horror looks down at me with an odd expression. Like the same expression i use to a blank canvas. What to do with it?
He picks up a small excto blade and traces my teeth for a few minutes, slowing going further at the corners. He keeps going until it reaches halfway to my eye sockets.
Hot tears run down my cheeks, as i felt the pain. But being parazled im trapped to endure it. He uses his thumb to lightly wipe the blood off my mouth and cheek bones, while holding my chin gentally with his forefingers.
He soon picks up a chisel type object and starts chipping out part of my cheek. It feels like cirlces, only going halfway down so its not a hole in my cheek bones. They must look like the retro style blush or whatever they used to use for cartoons.
He works on my eyes next, chisleling some out to make them wider. Using a small razor, he makes patters around them, probably so it looks like im wearing makeup. Or just prettier.

He places the now blood soaked chisel down and turns his back to me. A dumb move, if i wasnt paralyzed. Small plastic things line the table he swings over. He takes my small hand and looks it over, bringing his mouth down to kiss it. Disgusting.
His hand traces mine until it gets to my ring finger. The rest of my hand is let go and he focuses on this piece of bone. Three joints in that finger.
Giving him enough to snap two off, leaving a nub of a finger. He delicately picks out the perfect size and screws the plastic chunk into my remaining finger. Owie..

He does the same, quickly to the others, before doing the same with my toes, only this time my entire toe comes off and is replaced.

All of the bone he removed is lined exactly like the plastic ones were on the table. Hes...probably gonna eat them.

Small clicks can be heard behind me, his shoes hitting the cement floor. The original dress is taken off along with any other cloth or metal bits i was wearing. Im lifted bridal style and placed into an awful smelling clear white substance. After about 90 seconds he takes me out and places me on a metal rack, holding under my ribs, chin and arms. Proabaly so extra can drip off and i can dry. Or the mix can dry.

He grabs a black hanger bag and unzips it, showing a dark blue suspender skirt with a white dress shirt for females. The shirt clearly came from Cross, and the skirt... looks made by error. His strings knitted perfectly to make the seamless fabric. He cared about this.
As the mix keeps dripping down he gets other things set up, like stupid little extras such as socks and a key.

He presses a finger to my bones, and  checks if any have came off. Once he decides it's dry enough, he takes me down and dresses me slowly. Not seeming like being a jerk, but to be delacte.
Only one thought pops into my head.
How many times has he done this? Hes clearly experienced... those poor people.
Once the dress shirt is on, he drags the skirt up, and buttons it to the suspenders.
White thigh high socks are dragged up, and church shoes are put on.

He puts me back on the rack and steps back, looking at me for what feels like hours.
He makes a few touch ups, repositions my shirt a few times and feels my face, starting at my cheek and under my chin.
For the first time since he came in, he speaks

"You look darling. Theyre gonna love you" he whispers, like a down to earth parent encouraging a child who doesnt know thier slef worth.
He turns and grabs a key on a thick blue string, placing it around my neck.
"Heres the key to get out. Youll never be able to touch it. Your paralyzes will wear off in an hour or two. And youll be able to move with the porlince mix. But soon, doll, youll know your place. And youll never want to leave. " he smiles, and pulls away from me.

As a final touch, he places a magic restrictor on my ankle, replacing the previous one. Its metal, not thick but i wont be able to get it off.
Fell Sci's invention.

He picks me up and puts me back in my box, this time with a similar rack to hold me, and closes the door to it.
The showcase light is flicked on and he silently cleans every thing up.
Once everything is away and spotless, he heads for the door. Not before turning to me to tell me one last thing.

"They're gonna love you. Dont disappoint them. Theyll be here soon"
With that he closes the door, taking all the light but the small showcase light with him.
Who the hell is 'they'? My brain wont even work probably.  Probably the fumes.
I can see nothing in this room. My limbs wont work. Nothing will.
I cant even open my jaw to scream, or show my pain in anyway.
The only thing i can muster is one tear. Cliche.
It rolls down my now completely numb face and hits the glass floor, echoing throughout the room. 

It feels amazing to be writing again!!^^
And yes, its all going to be first person. Well mainly. I will do third person, and if asked i will do more third.
Since its writen in third person, i have to give info like that person
Since ink isnt... the brightness, im describing things in his eyes of course. So please dont go through correcting me.
Ex. 'The medically looking knife thingy '
Yes im aware this is scaple. Would Ink? Proabaly not ^^ so thats why i say it like that^^
Like always, thank you for reading^^
Next chapter out soon^^)

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