Chapter 9: Petty Revenge!?

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3rd Pov:

A few weeks passed and a standard schedule had been set. They would have normal classes and then have a heroic class every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday where they would do battle training or some other type of physical training. Izuku, Lloyd, and Salazar have set themselves as the top students of the class easily in heroic classes and in their normal classes. Each of them keeps trading the top three spots between each other with Izuku tending to stay at #1 or #2. The three boys have also become very close and hang out a lot after school. They have traded numbers and stay in contact and help each other study as well. 

Izuku has been working on combing float and one for all into a new combat style. For the most part, Izuku uses one for all as a way to speed up the float to just move around but Izuku has been thinking of combing them to create a new method of combat. The idea came from how Gran Torino moves around. Izuku has been copying him too much. He's noticed this and wanted to be more of his own style. As such, during one of the training sessions in the warehouse, he came up with a mix of both All Might's and Gran's fighting styles and created an adaptation for himself. The idea behind it was that while fighting he would have the float quirk on for most of it. He currently uses it just for flying but this way he would use it for an increase in speed and lighter body movement. An example would be that he would have it on very low power output so that he is not really floating but just making his body lighter. The float quirk works in the principal similar to OFA that the more power he puts out the stronger the quirk is. As such, if he is barely putting any power into float then he doesn't really float but makes his body lighter as a side effect. As such, when he goes to kick someone he would have a faster kick speed since his body is made lighter due to the float quirk. He would also use it to dodge by again making his body lighter and allowing him to move faster in hand to hand fighting. 

As Izuku was training this he didn't notice that All Might, Gran Torino, and a third individual were watching him move. Izuku was moving faster than what he has shown and they didn't know how he was doing it. 'Did he have a large increase in his control of one for all?' All Might thought. They kept watching Izuku train and then he stopped and grabbed a drink of water. All Might called out and scared Izuku who ended up coughing due to drinking a large gulp of water. "Ah... sorry my boy. I wanted to introduce you to detective Tsukauchi Naomasa. He is one of the people I mentioned before and I wanted you two to meet in the event you ever had a problem you could talk to someone in the police more safely about secrets." All Might stated. Izuku introduced himself and they asked him some questions about what he was doing. "Ah! I've combined some aspects of All Might's fight style with Gran's and made my own. I was copying gran or all might too much. I'm now using the float with one for all to do more close combat instead of just straight speed attacks. The float I'm keeping it a low level allows me to glide more or else across the ground and makes me really light. This allows my kicks and punches to be much faster than normal at 15%." Izuku stated and they were all shocked that he came up with this fighting style of his. 

"Hmm... let's spar for a bit and see how you do against a moving opponent." All Might said as he buffed up and they got into the fighting area that was just a clear floor with some mats down on the ground. The fight started off with All Might attacking at 30% which was a very fast speed for most people. This should also be around the difference in their power since Izuku's one for all should be 10 or 20% stronger and they were thinking it was closer to 10% stronger. As such, Izuku was keeping up with his 15% of OFA and just glided around All Might as if he was dancing. Izuku would push off the ground and bounce off the walls, floor, or roof and then come back to the ground and do quick movements around All Might. It looked like he was ice skating somewhat. Izuku was able to keep up for a while but the difference in experience played a big role and Izuku finally lost. "Good going! Though I wasn't doing very aggressive in doing attacks, I was doing them with the aim of speed instead of just overpowering. You kept up with me doing that at 25%." All Might stated as he pulled Izuku off the floor. 

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