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3rd POV:

The month period passed quite quickly and Izuku had finished the physical therapy that he was required to do for Recovery Girl to sign off on him returning to hero work. The public was overjoyed at hearing that and Izuku had made sure to make several public appearances to show that he was truly back on the job. Endeavor was furious... Izuku remembered that one of the first appearances that he did when he returned he had actually defeated a villain that Endeavor was going after. Izuku quickly finished the villain up within seconds when Endeavor had been chancing the guy for several blocks. The look of anger on the face of the man was ridiculous. Izuku had honestly not meant to do it like that but who was he to complain at rubbing it in that man's face.

The second semester for UA had also started and this was the last semester that Izuku would be sticking around UA for more or less full-time. All Might and Izuku had announced that Izuku was taking over Might Tower as the owner and it would continue normal operations. This reassured people greatly at that fact. Izuku announced that he would be doing what his mentor did and be moving to different cities throughout Japan on a constant basis starting the end of the school year since he was going to finish out the year with the first-years since he had already agreed to that beforehand. Overall, the public faith in the heroes had been restored since UA and the police had quickly hit the League and captured them all. They were saddened at the loss of the symbol of peace All Might but they were thrilled with what they gained. They gained the Hero of Courage: Fulcrum instead. This was the era of standing up and making a stand at the villains that dared to harm people and it seemed that 1-A of UA was accepting that in full-blown support. 

The students of 1-A had asked Izuku to increase their training and difficulty to make sure they were ready. They were also informed that they would be doing their provisional exams to see if they could gain their provisional licenses. The goal of doing this was in fear of the League of Villains and if they kept attacking. Even though that threat is gone, there are villains on the rise with the Fall of All Might who want to test their mantle against the new symbol so UA wants to ensure that their students could defend themselves. Izuku was also interested in maybe taking a few of them on as provisional heroes and he was interested in a few of them but would wait to see if they passed their exams.

Soon the provisional license exam came and went. It... it didn't go well for two of the students. They had both failed with missing one point each! These two were of course Todoroki and Bakugo. Izuku just shook his head but he knew they could do the makeup exam during the semester and would be granted their licenses if they passed that. So Izuku decided to give them some motivation. He called them both into the staff room one day and they sat down at his desk looking down in shame. They had figured he was going to talk to them about their exam and they were somewhat right. "Do you two know why I called you here?" Izuku asked and they nodded their heads and said it was about them failing the exam. The boys wouldn't easily admit it but they both looked up to Izuku a lot. Almost just as much as they currently look up to the legacy of All Might. Izuku was their generation symbol and they knew it would be a challenge to overcome him if ever which made it so thrilling to aim for. 

"You are half right. It's about the exam but more so the makeup exam. I want to give you both some motivation to doing good at it and passing to obtain your provisional licenses. Want to take a guess at what it is?" Izuku asked and they were both confused. They had planned to pass no matter what but now they were interested in what he would offer. "You would be able to refuse but I'm offering a work-study under me via Might Towers," Izuku said with a smile. Both boy's eyes widen at that statement. "I am interested in taking you both on as work-studies. I do admit I don't have the years and years of experience like Endeavor does or other people in the top ten which I'm sure I likely will end up in when they announce the ranking at the end of this month but I still think I have some things to offer. I'd be more focused on battle tactics, and actual work experience than other things if that is interesting to you." Izuku said. Both boys just stood up quickly and bowed their heads and accepted the invitation and said they would pass the makeup exam without fail. Izuku smiled and said he looked forward to it. Soon both boys left and Izuku was sure they were going to go start training. Aizawa who was sleeping on the floor just rolled his eyes and stood up. "You really are going to take them both on?" Aizawa asked and Izuku said he would. "Overall, there others in the class that interest me but both of them would likely fit me more. I'm more about quickly moving and overwhelming power. I have nothing against heroes like you or Shinso. But I don't think I could teach Shinso even though I would like to take him on. What he needs to know is stuff I can easily teach since it's not my main focus like you since I only do underground missions every once in a while when I need it for my cases." Izuku said and Aizawa nodded his head in understanding. They talked a bit more and Izuku explained some things he wanted to focus on with the two boys. 

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