Let Me Take Your Hand

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"You don't have to do it if it's too hard!" (Y/N) tells Yunki.

Yunki shakes his head, "No, it's okay. I want to try."

'I can tell how determined Yunki is to conquer his trauma.'

They both double their resolve.

[The train stop is approaching. Please step back.]

"Shall we get on?" (Y/N) says, looking over to Yunki.

Yunki takes a deep breath, "Yeah. Don't be nervous!"

'This is weird...Yunki's trying to keep me from being anxious for once!' (Y/N) smiles brightly thinking it will be okay.

But that didn't last for long. As soon as they get on the subway, it becomes clear that Yunki is nervous as well.

There are a few empty seats here and there, but the compartment's mostly full.

"Phew. Okay. I should be able to do it, right?" Yunki looks to the (H/C) haired female for an answer.

She nods and takes a step back. 'You can do it, Yunki!'

Yunki stands in the middle of the compartment, looks at her, and then...

"G-Good day, everyone." Yunki speaks gently.

'A little louder, Yunki!'

"Good day, everyone!" He speaks louder.

Yunki's voice draws the attention of everyone in the compartment.

'Oh no...His face is getting red!'

Yunki's voice grows a little timid, "I-I'm an aspiring pianist named Min..."

A passenger bumps into Yunki's shoulder as they pass by. Yunki notices the annoyed look on the passenger's face and becomes extremely embarrassed.

"So, I'm here today to...Uh..." The flush on Yunki's face creeps down to his neck. He seems short of breath.

(Y/N) grows extremely concerned for Yunki, 'Oh no...Maybe this was too much, too soon! Huh?! Yunki!!!'

"Ugh...Ahh..." Yunki clutches his knees, breathing rapidly.

The passengers seem confused. They start to mumble.

[The doors are on your left]

(Y/N) grabs hold of Yunki's hand, "Yunki, are you alright? Let's get off the train for now."

She barely makes it out of the subway car with Yunki leaning on her.

A few minutes after getting off, (Y/N) stands in front of Yunki with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry, Yunki." (Y/N) says to Yunki while he sits down and tries to catch his breath. 'What was I thinking?! I put Yunki in danger, AND we got told off by the station attendant...'

"Why are you sorry?" Yunki asks.

"I got ahead of myself. Take it easy..."

"I agreed to do it. There's not much time. I have to try everything."

"What if something bad happens to you?"

Yunki shakes his head, "Not being able to perform IS a bad thing."

'When Yunki's mind is made up, it's hard to convince him otherwise...'

Yet another day without progress...

A day passes and it's a day practice with Professor Na for Yunki and Sungmin.

"Hey, Min Yunki." Sungmin calls out to Yunki, who had just started to walk faster. "Professor Na's comments have gone to your head."

Genius Pianist (Suga x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now