Dream and Dream Again

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'It's a pretty fancy restaurant.' (Y/N) walks in awkwardly. "Why'd he asked me to meet him at a place like this?"

"Do you have a reservation?" The Manager of the restaurant asks.

"What? Oh...I'm supposed to be meeting someone. Is Min Yunki here?"

"Ah, yes, right this way."

The manager leads her to a table. Yunki is waiting...all dressed up.

Yunki was wearing a decent white shirt with a formal black suit jacket and formal pants, a sweet smile forming on his face, "Oh, you came."

'How long has it been? He looks so different from the last time I saw him!' She goes towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck, taking him in for a big hug.

Yunki stiffens a bit, but gives in immediately and brings his arms around her waist, his palms placed on her back.

(Y/N) steps back from the hug to take a good look at his uniform, "You look cool!"

Yunki smiles shyly at her comment. "Heh, thank you."

"Hah, you seem like you're back to your old self, to the Yunki I know."

Yunki gives her a questioning look.

"You look like someone who doesn't give up when things get rough." (Y/N) confirms.

Yunki smiles even more bashfully, his face tinting a light pink.

"Have you been well?" (Y/N) asks as she takes her seat.

Yunki nods, giving a gentle smile, "Yeah...I ordered for us while I was waiting. I hope that's okay."

(Y/N)'s eyes sparkle at the mention of food, "Yep! You know me- I'll eat anything!"

Yunki shyly rubs the back of his neck, "I made sure to get something I know you like. I wanted to apologize...and buy you a proper meal."

"Huh? Apologize?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry I worried you."

(Y/N) waves her hand dismissively, "No, it's okay. I'm sure it was worse for you. You're okay now, right?"

"Yeah. I would just be ruining my own life and letting Professor Na and Ji Sungmin win if I kept sulking." Yunki says, giving off a serious vibe.

"You're right. Good thinking, Yunki!"

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel elated to see Yunki has overcome his crisis of confidence.

Yunki looks deep into her eyes, "Everything worked out, thanks to you. Even though I failed the school music competition...I made it somewhere else."

"Oh? Where?"

"The Chopin Piano Competition. I went to the domestic preliminaries yesterday." Yunki states, feeling a sense of pride.

(Y/N) nearly jumps from her seat, "You advanced?!"

Yunki nods, "Yeah. Sorry for not saying something sooner! I wanted to know the results before telling you. I didn't want to worry you again..."

"Were you alright? You must have been if you advanced right? Congratulations! Seriously- congrats." (Y/N)'s supportive exclamations are all over the place, but Yunki thanks her anyway.

Yunki chuckles at her playful cheering, "I was nervous, but it went alright. I'm confident on stage now."

'Yunki...So you weren't just sulking after all!' (Y/N) feels her heart warm up, feeling so proud of Yunki. 'You fought through your struggles and won- all on your own.' She continues, "Are you going to the finals, then?"

Yunki nods yes, "Yeah...in Poland."


"Yeah! So I guess I'm going to Europe after all...but I'll be back right after the competition."

Yunki's sudden chattiness makes (Y/N) laugh.

"Excuse me. Careful, please. These plates are hot." The manager warns as the servents bring a whole buffet of plates and set them on the table.

(Y/N) stares down at all the delicious cuisines spread around them, "You ordered so much! Who else is coming?"

"This is just for us. Dig in! I'll take you somewhere even better if I win." Yunki says.

"Why? I haven't done anything! If you win, I'll buy you dinner to celebrate!"

Yunki just smiles at her, "Haha, sure."

"When do you leave for Poland?"

"Next week..."

"Wow, I'm nervous for you! Isn't it a really big competition?" (Y/N) asks.

Yunki exhales, "Yeah, pretty big."

The meal ends on a happy note.

After an hour of endless chatting and eating tons of delicious mouthwatering dishes resulting in stuffing their bellies, the two start walking each other down the street.

"I'm going to be busy with practice, so I guess I'll see you after I come back." Yunki says, looking her way.

(Y/N) nods in agreement, "Okay. You better come back a winner!"

The signature gummy smile displays on Yunki's face, "You bet I will."

Yunki's confident answer reassures (Y/N). But his face turns sullen as something seems to be on his mind.

(Y/N) takes notice of this, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Yunki shakes his head, "It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"Doesn't seem like nothing." She nudges his shoulder, "Come on, you can tell me."

Knowing that she won't give up, Yunki sighs and gives in. "It's just...Everywhere I go when I'm making music, whether it be in the practice room, my apartment, Hongdae, the school competition...You were there with me. I guess what I'm trying to say is...going to this competition, without you in the audience watching me, it's not gonna be the same." Yunki keeps his head down low after confessing.

(Y/N) wraps her arms around his shoulders and pulls him close for a hug, gently rubbing his back. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Even though I'm not there physically, you know I'll be cheering you on by spirit. And mine can travel all the way around the world wherever you're at. So whenever you feel that you miss me, just imagine me right there beside you on your piano bench."

Despite the heaviness in Yunki's stomach, it flutters away at the feeling of her body pressed against his. He wraps his arms around her shoulders firmly, sinking into the warmth her figure as the heavy feeling goes away.

They both pull back a bit from the hug, looking into each other's eyes. (Y/N) giving Yunki a friendly grin, while Yunki was falling into the depths of those (E/C) orbs of hers. All else was blur and right now, all he could focus on was her. He knew that these feelings he had for her became stronger and stronger the more they were together. He knows now that...

He loves her.

Yunki snaps out of it and pulls away from the hug, "Uhm, I guess I'll see you after my competition. Wish me luck."

(Y/N) seemed confused but throws an eye smile his way, "You betcha! I'll be supporting you every step of the way!"
Yunki leaves for Poland not long after.
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A/N: Yay two updates!! I'm really happy that you all give love and support to this story. It kind of makes me feel sad that it is coming to an end soon😢. But don't feel too sad, I'm glad you all gave me this opportunity to share my writing with you all! As always, I purple all you beautiful ARMY and have a safe and happy day 💜🌸🦋

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