Racing Heart from the Start

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<Global University- Building D- Room 613- 4 PM>

'Yunki's supposed to have a lecture today. I really hope I can meet him... I wonder what Yunki was like in 2012? I'm so nervous!'

As her heart is still nearly pounding out her chest, (Y/N) heads inside a bus and looks around to see nearly all the seats are taken by dozens of passengers, 'There's nowhere to sit...'

A male figure catches her eye as she searches for an open seat.

'His skin is porcelain! I should go that way...' she moves through the crowd, stepping closer, and glimpses long, slender fingers clutching a book if sheet music.

Global University Piano Major

'That slanted handwriting looks familiar...Could it be?' She takes a closer look around the face of the guy who caught her eye on the crowded bus, 'Yunki! It's Min Yunki! He's a piano major!'

Yunki's phone suddenly starts to ring. A contact name shows up on his phone


Yunki puts the phone up to his ears and answers, "Yeah, I'm on my way. I stayed up late choosing my competition piece."

(Y/N)'s heart melts as she listens to the voice of her beloved bias, 'I've only ever heard Yunki's voice in songs. I never thought I'd hear it in person! It's soothing and smooth. Awww, I gotta maintain my inner ARMY. Come on (Y/N), get a hold of yourself!'

Yunki chooses that moment to turn his head towards her.
'No...he sees me looking!' (Y/N)'s eyes nearly bulge out of her sockets as she feels the beads of sweat on her forehead as her heart races, hoping that she was bot caught.

Yunki shakes his head and continues his conversation with his friend on the phone, "No, I thought someone was watching me..."

(Y/N), panicking, quickly ducks out of sight. Probably looking a little strange to the other passengers in the bus, 'No, I can't chicken out! Gotta be brave!'

Soon after Yunki finishes his call, she takes a deep breath and makes eye contact. "Excuse me..."

Yunki looks up at the girl, "Yes?"

"Do you happen to play the piano? Are you a piano major?"

Yunki gives an indifferent but affirmative nod.

"Um, then you must be really good at playing the piano!"

"Ah, mm... " Yunki's face shows a bashful expression as he slightly blushes at the cute girl in front of him. 'Why is this girl talking to me? Is she a piano major as well? I haven't seen her anywhere and I've especially haven't seen her in my class. Is she from a different school? She's really cute...ugh, why am I thinking these things? I'm probably making the situation awkward. I don't know what to say to her.'

(Y/N) sweatdrops from the silence as she feels she is making him uncomfortable, 'Oh, no...I mean, I'm sure it's weird talking to a total stranger...'

Suddenly, the bus lurches to a stop.

"Ugh!" (Y/N) loses her grip on the handrail and bumps and falls on top of Yunki. "Oh, no! Yun- I mean, are you okay?! U-uh I'm really sorry!" She starts flushing pink in the face, feeling embarrassed around her bias. 

There's no response from Yunki, who's currently sitting on the floor with the female on top of him. Her body very close against his from the sudden trip. He feels her warmth from her close body contact, her legs on each side of Yunki's waist, and their faces being really close to each other. Everyone on the bus starts staring at them and they start to whisper. (Y/N) scans Yunki's face, feeling terribly apologetic. But sees Yunki is starting to blush full red in his cheeks.

"L-Let go of me." Yunki pushes her off and exits the bus in a hurry.

(Y/N) looks at his retreating figure with guilt as she feels that this was all her fault. Looking down the floor, something catches the corner of her eye, "Oh! His sheet music! Yunki! Min Yunki!" She yells out his name and chases frantically after him.


Yunki is running up stairs and into a hallway as the sound of beautiful classical instruments could be heard harmonizing throughout in what seems to be a practice room.

He rushes inside the room nearly out of breath, seeing as the class has already been started without him as they were now beginning to listen to the piano solo in the piece the class was doing.

He bashfully walks over to his seat as he pulls his hoodie over his head while looking down to avoid any further eye contact from his class. He hurriedly sits down in his chair, next to his friend, Chaeik.

"Why are you late?" Chaeik whispers to Yunki, who is still lowering his head to avoid the heavy eye contact given to him by his fellow classmates, seeming as if they were all looking down on him by his attire and by showing up late.

Before Yunki would want to answer, the professor in their class, Professor Na, stops the pianist from his solo as he gives a very stern and unhappy look towards Yunki's way. "Shouldn't you practice basic etiquette when listening to someone's performance? Don't you know it's common courtesy to dress properly for the time and place? Are you planning on wearing that hoodie while you're listening?"

Yunki doesn't answer as he is fumbling the ends of his schoolbooks as his eyes are still glued down on the floor with his face flushed with a bright pink.

"Is this your way of protesting?"

Chaeik, seeing as Yunki's having a hard time already, decides to speak up for him, "Um, Professor. It's because his face turns red when he gets flustered..."

Yunki then starts to gather his stuff and gets up from his seat, "I'm sorry..." he begins to head out the room with his professor calling out to him.

But Yunki was already out, everyone whispers among themselves of the event that just happened. The only one not talking, was a another student who seemed to scoff at Yunki's cowardly attitude. 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A/N: Well I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this new story, and I know it's pretty short but I'm trying to do my best on it so bare with me. Because this isn't the only story I'll be working on, so I hope you guys will understand. I hope this story is good enough for all you beauties out there. Love all you beautiful ARMY and have a purple day💜🦋🌸

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