An Unexpected Opportunity

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"That's all for today! Make sure to focus on the parts I pointed out and fix them for our next session!" Professor Na says to his two finalists.

"Yes, Professor!" The two say at the same time.

"Sungmin, you're dismissed. Yunki, I need to talk to you for a minute."

Sungmin looks taken aback. It's clear he believes that Professor Na has mixed up their names. Yunki's confusion shows that he feels the same.

"What are you waiting for? Dismissed!" Professor Na orders again.

"Ah...Yes, Professor." Clearly upset, Sungmin shoots Yunki a dirty look.

"What?" Yunki stares right back, unflinching and Sungmin storms out of the practice room.

Professor Na turns his full undivided attention on Yunki. "I thought Ji Sungmin was the only competent student at this school...To be frank, I'm surprised by how well you're doing. You've exceeded my expectations."

Yunki looks at him with a touched look on his face by his compliment, "Ah...Thank you!"

"It would be even better if you didn't have that ridiculous stage fright. You said you'd fix it- how's that going?" Professor Na asks.

Yunki got caught off guard with the question and rubs the back of his head feeling nervous, "Ah, well...It's going. It's just...not fixed yet."

"Hm." Professor Na seems unimpressed by Yunki's answer.

Yunki clenches his hands and says, almost as an assurance to himself..."I'm going to get over it no matter what."

Professor Na changes his grim, thin lips up to a satisfied smile, "Well, good luck. Do well enough, and you may just win."


"Try to keep Ji Sungmin on his toes."

Yunki gives Professor Na a firm nod.

"Okay, you're dismissed. Don't be late." Professor Na waves his hand gesturing him to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Professor!" Yunki says goodbye and exits the office with a respectful bow. As he walks out of the door, a grim expression settles across Yunki's face.

"Three weeks until the final performance..." Yunki says to himself as he decides it's time to fix his problem by any means necessary, instead of just thinking about it.


As Yunki was still inside the building, (Y/N) was waiting outside for him so they could walk back home together or find somewhere to eat.

(Y/N) spots his figure after a few minutes, "Yunki! There you are. I saw Sungmin leave earlier?"

"Professor Na wanted to talk to me about something." Yunki replies.

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow, "Just you? That jerk! I hope he wasn't too mean."

"No. Actually...He said I have a chance of winning."

"Really?! I knew you could do it! You're genius, Min Yun-genius!" (Y/N) says playfully trying to brighten his mood.

Yunki looks at her, grinning while mentally cooing at her childish teasing, "Well...I still have to win."

"Professor Na's not one for flattery. If he said that, then victory is definitely in your grasp!" She balls her fists as she sends him an encouraging gesture. "Anyway, what's that face for? You should be dancing for joy, and then some..."

"I would be...if I thought I could actually get on stage." Yunki mumbles as his expression grows bitter.

"Actually, I think this is a good thing!" (Y/N) responds.

Yunki stares at her with a puzzled look, "How?"

"You had two problems, but now you only have one! Professor Na recognizes your skills, so now, all you have to worry about is your stage fright!"

Yunki's smile comes back, "Is that how it is?"

(Y/N) nods, "Of course! You just have to keep playing like you always have. After all, you are talented and you work hard." She replies, 'Honestly, getting you on stage was the real problem all along.'

"That's quite the positive assessment." Yunki says.

"I always think positively!" (Y/N) says with a proud tone in her voice.

Yunki rubs the back of his neck, "I tend to think negatively."

"That's fair. Everyone's different after all."

"But all your encouragement lately..." Yunki starts.

(Y/N) tilts her head from his sudden half response, 'Was...Was I that tactless?'

Yunki smiles gently as she waits for him to finish. "It helps stop my negative thoughts. I guess your mindset is rubbing off."

The (H/C) haired female gives a surprised expression, "Wow, really?"

"Yep, really."

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel fuzzy on the inside as he said those words.

'I guess I really am helping Yunki...I should keep it up, then!'

"You should spend less time practicing piano!" (Y/N) says all of a sudden.

Yunki's expression has bewildered all over it, "What?!"

"We need to focus more on you practicing being on stage!"

"Uh...How do you practice that?" Yunki asks shyly.

"You don't have to practice with Professor Na on the weekends, do you?" (Y/N) asks.

Yunki shakes his head no, a puzzled look on his face.

"I'll meet you tomorrow morning in front of your apartment, then! There's somewhere we need to go."

Yunki furrows his eyebrows, "Somewhere to go?"

"You have to promise me you'll come with me!"

"Can I promise after you tell me where it is?"

(Y/N) shakes her head, putting her index finger up to her lips, "No! It's a secret!"

Yunki dubiously studies her face for a moment, and then seems to resent. "Alright. If you say I have to go...then I guess I have to go."

(Y/N) smiles proudly to herself, 'I can tell that he trusts me. Ah!!!' She looks at him with a look of appreciation. "Great! See you at 9 tomorrow morning!"

"Okay. See you tomorrow." Yunki walks his own way as he is waving goodbye to her.




They both part their separate ways, (Y/N) feeling ready for what she has in store for him.
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A/N: Hey guys, Thanksgiving break is finally here and now i have a little more time to work on my other stories. Thanks you all who stayed with this story. As always, I purple all you beautiful ARMY and have a safe and happy day 💜🦋🌸

Also, check out the discord if you wanna join. 😊👇

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