A Way to Help Yunki

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(Y/N) gets to the bus stop 5 minutes before the set time.

"You're here." Yunki says as he was already at the bus stop.

(Y/N) turns around to see Yunki's figure, "Oh?! You're here early! Oh...724! Oh! It's coming."

The bus arrives before (Y/N) can say another word. It's pretty empty so Yunki and her sit next to each other. Yunki feeling a little shy but not as much as he feels more comfortable around her.

'I should probably tell him where we're going, but he seems...' (Y/N) thinks to herself as she sees Yunki's quiet, like he's deep in thought.

"Uh-" The two talk at the same time.

"Uh, do you mind if I talk first? There's something I want to say." Yunki asks very nervously.

(Y/N) nods her head, "Yeah! Go ahead!"

Yunki nods slowly, "I want to tell you why it's hard for me to go up on stage."

Yunki doesn't hesitate now that he's decided to talk about it. He tells her about what happened when he was younger.


The hall is full of people. Young Yunki walks backstage.

"Ah...Why today?" Young Yunki talks to himself, not looking so well.

The MC spots Yunki and walks over, placing a hand on his forehead. "You're burning up! Are you sick?"

Young Yunki shakes his head in denial, "I'm...okay."

"Hm...Are you sure you can do it?" The MC asks, feeling very concerned for the child.

Yunki nods his head, "I...have to."

"No you're burning up..."

As the MC gets up to find Yunki's parents, Yunki grabs the MC's arm.

"I'm gonna go on."

Even at a young age, Yunki was passionate about performing. The performance before Yunki's ends, and the MC leads Yunki to the stage.

The MC grabs everyone's attention, "Please welcome Min Yunki of Taejeon Elementary School!"

Yunki walks up onto stage and under the hot spotlights to the sound of applause.

"I came all the way here to Seoul from Daegu. I can't just leave..." Yunki looks down with a determined look and tries to shake off his fever and begins to play, but...the longer he plays, the redder his face gets.

A young boy points at his face, snickering, "Look at his face! He's as red as a tomato. Tomato face! Hahaha!"

A young girl runs along with his teasing, "He looks like a clown, haha!"

More and more kids start to laugh. Soon, the whole audience has joined in.

The MC looks at the audience with a state of irritability, at the poor audience etiquette and mocking for Yunki. "Quiet! Please be quiet!"

Yunki stops playing, unable to continue.

"Tomatoes are gross! Hahaha!" The young boy keeps on his harassment.

The MC and other adults try to get control of the crowd, but they can't stop the laughter.

"Uh...Ugh..." Yunki, who had been covering his flushed face, falls over with a thud. Cries ring out from the audience.

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