Open the Door

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It's been a few days since (Y/N) heard from Yunki.

'I don't think waiting in front of his apartment would help...Hmm. Has he at least been going to classes. I wonder if something happened between Yunki and Professor Na after the competition...?'

The lecture ends, but Yunki is nowhere in sight.

"Oh? It's you, (Y/N)..." Chaeik says as he sees her, he hurries towards her. "Are you-"

'I thought he'd have talked to Chaeik, at least.'

"Are you looking for Yunki?" He asks.

She nods her head, "Yeah, but it seems like he's not here."

Chaeik brings his forefinger up to his chin, "He hasn't come to class since the finals, and he's been ignoring all my texts and calls." His facial turns to a sour one. "Ji Sungmin's been insufferable because he's headed to Germany's disgusting."

Chaeik trails off, mumbling angrily.

(Y/N) looks down at the ground, fumbling the hem of her shirt, "I understand that he's taking it hard, but skipping classes..."

"It's probably worse because he did so well. Anyway, rumor has it that the whole thing was rigged for Ji Sungmin right from the start." Chaeik catches her off guard.

Incredulous, she asks him...

"Rigged for Ji Sungmin?!"

"People are saying that's what Professor Na told Yunki. It's probably true, and that's why Yunki's been..." Chaeik says.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen, and her jaw nearly drops as he face shows nothing but shock and disbelief. 'No way...If that's what happened, Yunki must be devastated!' She clenches her fists and feels herself about to cry again, but tries so hard to hold it in.

'I regret telling him that everything would be okay when I had no idea what was going on.' She wipes away a tear that slipped out. "He worked so hard for that performance..."

Chaeik feels her pain, "Yeah...I hope he hasn't locked himself up somewhere to mope..."

"I'll keep trying to contact him!"

"Ah...Yeah. Me too!"

Chaeik and (Y/N) exchange thier goodbyes. She leaves the lecture hall and heads for the bench at the entrance to the park.

'This is where we talked last. Yunki worked harder than anyone, but he still...I feel so empty. I can't imagine how Yunki must feel right now...' (Y/N) places her palm where her heart is, feeling a pang of devastation.

She pulls out her phone to call him again, but he phone is still off. As she let's out a big sigh, she overhears some students passing by.

"What are you looking at?" A boy asks the girl next to him.

"Look at this. This is going viral right now." The girl shows what's on her phone to the guy.

He takes a closer look at the video, "Hey...Doesn't he go to our school?"

"What? He's from our school?"

"Yeah! Don't you remember ensemble? It's the guy who ran out because his face turned red!"

The girl take a second to remember, "Wait...Yeah, you're right!"

As (Y/N) overhears this, she put two and two together. 'A red face? Are- Are they talking about Yunki?'

She quickly goes online to find the videos they're talking about. "What?! It really is a video of Yunki!" She looks at the thumbnail of one of the videos, 'A video of Yunki's been uploaded online!' (Y/N)'s (E/C) colored orbs watches through the whole video and scans the title. "Hongdae Bunny Boy Revealed! What on earth...?"

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