sleepover with adam

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▹adam lives for your sleepovers

▹wants to move in with you but settles with sleepovers

▹your parents make you leave the door open as if adam's brave enough to try anything with people around

▹if you have younger siblings, they'll try to steal him away until it's their bedtime

▹sleepovers occasionally double as movie nights and when it does, you two get zero sleep

▹he tries (and fails) to braid your hair at every sleepover

▹literally has the audacity to steal all the pillows, only use one, and complain when you take one

▹he tries to hog the blankets too but you have an iron grip on those

▹wants you to read to him because it relaxes him and puts him straight to sleep

▹okay so when i was younger, i would sleep in my older sisters room most nights because i couldn't sleep and we'd play this game where we'd take turns softly draw lines and shapes on each other's faces until one of us fell asleep and i feel like adam loves doing this and wants to do it every night

▹you're his security blanket so if you wake up in the middle of the night and leave the bed for any reason, he'll wake up and look for you

▹he usually falls alseep first and you always admire how peaceful he looks until you fall asleep

▹loves laying his head where your shoulder meets your neck and giving you soft kisses there until he falls alseep

▹when he's really sleepy, he'll ramble about how beautiful you are and how in love he is

▹he likes to pull the blankets up to his chin but will get hot and kick them to the end of his bed

▹if he has trouble falling asleep and reading to him and drawing on his face doesn't work, he'll ask you to sing to him and run your fingers through his hair

▹you two stay up planning your future together

▹he has a secret journal where he's written said plans for the future

▹at sleepovers, adam is constantly telling you that your the girl of his dreams and he's going to marry you

▹he'll only do it at sleepovers though because he's to shy to say it in front of anyone else

▹he always has to kiss you goodnight

▹claims he sleeps better when your around

▹in his sleep, adam will cuddle you so much but will deny it so hard in the morning

▹he talks in his sleep but will claim he doesn't 'til the day he dies

▹adam loves every moment he gets to spend with you but sleepovers are most definitely his favorite

@-vclentine i hope you enjoy this! i know i posted earlier but i wanted to get this out as well.

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