who secretly likes you

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fulton reed
-aside from dean and fulton, charlie was who you spent the most time with
-he loved how nice you were to everyone
-he also thought you were a really good leader
-refuses to admit he has a crush on you and is mortified at the fact that he does

dean portman
-he's always thought you were such a babe
-les had finally worked up the courage to ask you out when he found out you and dean were together
-the reason he was so in love with you is because you always stood up for him and laughed at his jokes
-he was so sad about losing his chance with you

guy germaine
-your confidence had caught kenny's eye
-he's always admired you from afar because he knows he doesn't have a chance with you
-one day he asked if you'd date him if you weren't already dating guy
-your friendship is kind of awkward now but he still really likes you

charlie conway
-for a long time you and connie were the only girls
-this gave you a very very close relationship
-she keeps it a secret because she knows your straight and you're really in love with charlie
-wishes things could be different

adam banks
-he's kind of loud about his crush on you
-doesn't try anything because he respects you and adam enough not to do that
-backs off a lot when he meets mindy
-he's still really into you, just not as much as before

connie moreau
-you're shy and quiet and the exact opposite of dean
-he's always thought you were really cute
-hits on you a lot but plays it off as his usual flirting
-always tries being near you during practices

julie gaffney
-fulton's shy so he's good at hiding his crush
-you two became close when he joined the ducks and it quickly lead to him catching a crush
-the two of you almost started dating until julie joined the team
-he's never really gotten over his crush

luis mendoza
-you were very welcoming to ducks when they arrived at eden hall
-adam especially since he seems to have all his friends turn on him when he joined varsity
-your acceptance of him was what wowed him and he's crushed on you ever since
-he doesn't understand how you could be dating someone like luis but is happy to see you happy

les averman
-the reason he's rude to averman a lot is because he's jealous that averman got you and not him
-starts being nicer to him when he sees how unhappy it makes you when he's mean to averman
-stays up half the night wishing you two could be together
-he gets so nervous around you

jesse hall
-russ thinks your a total badass and the hottest person in the world
-always tries to flirt with you
-stops when jesse threatens to beat him up
-his feelings slowly start to fade when he realizes he doesn't have a chance

dwayne robertson
-there was something about dwayne she kind of liked but could never fully have a crush on him
-then she met you
-you were everything she liked about dwayne plus everything she thought he was missing
-she fell so hard for you and thinks she always will

kenny wu
-goldberg's had a crush on you since you first met
-his crush has slowly grown over the years
-was so disappointed/sad when he found out you and kenny are dating
-just wants you to be happy and is glad you are

gunnar stahl
-being gunnars best friend, sanderson's spent a lot of time with you
-sometimes, sanderson thinks he actually has a chance with you
-this leads to him and gunnar having many fights
-he eventually gets over himself and realizes that you and gunnar are perfect for each other

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