how you met

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fulton reed
you played hockey for district 5 and were one of the first people to talk to him when he joined. he appreciated your kindness and always practiced with you after that.

dean portman
you were one of the ducks playing in the junior goodwill games. you, like the rest of the ducks, were uneasy about sharing the ice with strangers and the fact that dean was shoving your friends around didn't help his case.

guy germaine
your dads had been best friends before either of you were born so when you did come along, you had no choice but to be friends. anytime guy and his dad went to practice hockey, your dad would ask if you could join. the two of you always being together gave you not only a deep love for hockey but a deep love for each other.

charlie conway
you lived across the hall from charlie and played hockey with him. the boy followed you around like a lost puppy. wherever you went, he went. the following you around soon turned into a very close friendship, to the point that when charlie's mom broke up with a guy he really liked, he came to you first.

adam banks
you were one of the recruits that would be joining the ducks in the junior goodwill games. it was your amazing hockey skills that first caught adams' eye but it was your beauty that made him feel like he needed to talk to you.

connie moreau
you had decided to play hockey at seven years old. being in district lines, you had to play with district five. you had joined the team later than everyone else. they had started playing at five and friendships had already been formed. connie, being the kind human she is, decided to talk to you when she saw how lonely you looked. that one conversation turned into an amazing friendship.

julie gaffney
you were guy's older cousin by one year. he had convinced you to play hockey with him when you two were younger which led to you playing in the junior goodwill games. you were impressed with julies goalie abilities and she thought you were pretty which led to you talking after the scrimmage.

luis mendoza
you went to eden hall at the time of the jv hockey team's arrival. you thought the flirty boy was cute but decided to leave him alone when you saw him flirting with other girls. luis wasn't used to being ignored so he made it his mission to make you like him back.

les averman
you and him shared a math class and sat beside each other. averman saw you struggling with the work you were doing and decided to help you. after that, the two of you got really close. your teacher ended up having to separate you because you talked so much but that didn't stop you.

jesse hall
you met jesse when you joined district fives hockey team. jesse didn't understand why you and connie would join a 'boys' sport and wouldn't talk to either of you for a while. eventually, jesse was forced to talk to you and once he did, he trailed you like a puppy.

dwayne robertson
you lived on the neighboring ranch so you and dwayne grew up together. you officially met though when you were out in your paster riding your horse when dwayne rode up on one of his and told you that you were riding your horse wrong. you argued that you weren't and this is what launched your friendship and current relationship.

kenny wu
you were one of the original ducks and like the others, you didn't like any of the new recruits. you refuse to admit that you found kenny a little cute when he first skated out on the ice. after the first practice, kenny introduced himself and asked you to go out and get ice cream with him, to which you said yes.

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