comforting them after a bad day

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fulton reed
most bad days are caused because fulton feels like he doesn't fit in with the team because he joined so late. usually, when fulton's having a bad day, he'll distance himself from everyone. he's less talkative and only gives short answers when talked to. for a while, he just wants his space, to be alone with his thoughts and to try and work through it himself. if he can't work through it alone, you'll lay his head against your chest and run your hand through his hair, giving him soft kisses on his forehead until he's ready to talk. you have to let him open up by himself though. he shuts down when he feels forced to talk so you have to let him talk first.

dean portman
dean is tough and has built up a bad boy persona that he feels the need to maintain, which makes it hard for him to express when he's having a bad day. most of his bad days stem from homesickness and missing his family. his one giveaway is that he's more aggressive than usual and it's easier to make him mad. it's his way of working through bad days even if it doesn't work. whether or not he'll admit it, dean loves when you make him lay down and give him small kisses on his neck and shoulders. it comforts and calms him and for some reason, makes him feel at home.

guy germaine
it's so hard to tell when guy is having a bad day. he's quiet and keeps to himself and his mood doesn't visibly change with his emotions. it makes it a lot more difficult to get through them because he has just as much trouble talking about his feelings. the second you find out he's had a bad day, you'll make him lay down in bed, grab his favorite book, and read it to him. hearing your voice relaxes him and he loves hearing stories so having you tell him a story is always comforting and makes him feel better.

charlie conway
charlie's worst days are usually those following a loss of any kind. as captain, he feels responsible for wins and losses no matter how good or bad he or the rest of the team plays. he'll let himself get worked up to the point of tears before he's ready to allow any comfort. when he finally reaches his breaking point, you sit down with him and assure him that he's never the reason the team loses. when it doesn't work - because it never does - you'll make him his favorite meal or snack and make him eat. when he's done, you'll pull him close and hold him till it passes.

adam banks
if adam ever feels like he's played a bad game, he feels like he's disappointed everyone. he thinks he's disappointed his dad, you, the team, and his coach. he refuses to talk about how he feels because he doesn't want to burden anyone, but it's written all over his face how he feels. you'll always take him to the pond or his driveway and work with him until he feels like he's corrected what he's done wrong. after that, you'll make him sit on his bed and explain that no matter what, you'll always be proud of him and so will his dad and the team. you remind him of all the fantastic things the team has been able to do because of him and his hockey abilities. you'll always end up cuddling him until he falls asleep because he finds comfort in being held by you.

connie moreau
there really isn't a reason behind most of connie's bad days. she'll just wake up and doesn't feel right. it seems like anything that can go wrong, does and everything continues to pile up until she starts falling apart. when that happens, she'll hide out in her room until you find her. you'll run her a warm bath and wash and brush her hair. you always cuddle her afterward because she loves being held. the main thing that makes her feel better though is that anything she asks you to do, you're immediately on it without a second thought and you do it exactly like she wants it. it turns her day around because it finally feels like things are going her way again.

julie gaffney
julie's bad days are really bad for her. she can never pinpoint why her day is bad and it frustrates her. she's a problem solver and not knowing what's wrong makes it hard to solve the problem and it tears at her mental health. julie's so much more serious when she's having a bad day. bad days get her so stressed that when she's in the comfort of her room, she'll immediately bust into tears. when you finally find her, you pull her into your lap and sing to her while you run your hands through her hair. it's one of the few ways to make her feel better and works the most.

luis mendoza
luis rarely has bad days but the few times he does, he's really good at hiding it. most bad days come from feeling like one day, you're going to lose interest and not want to date him anymore. while he's not great with feelings, he'll always let you know how he feels. you immediately tell him that for the rest of forever, he's all you'll ever want. you'll give him long kisses and play with his hands until his usual flirt and charm return.

les averman
averman is such an upbeat person that it leads to times when he feels like he always has to be really upbeat and happy. it's to the point where he feels guilty about feeling any sort of emotion that isn't the goofiness that we always see. to make it worse, he feels like he doesn't have a safe space to feel those emotions or talk about and through them. when he's having a bad day, you'll pull him into an empty room and let him feel whatever he's feeling. he doesn't know how to explain his feelings so you'll always just tell him to start talking and get it off his chest. the fact that you give him a safe space to feel what he needs to feel is his biggest comfort.

jesse hall
jesse has always been the badass of the team; always the one to stand up for his friends and himself. he's never been one to let anyone else stand up for him because it makes him feel weak. it's lead him to believing that if he doesn't stand up for himself, no one will. jesse's also always had big emotions so when he has a bad day, he has a bad day. the only way he can be calmed into listening to you is to go to the pond alone and shoot pucks as hard as he can. when he's done, you step in and take him to his favorite ice cream place and/or store and get him whatever he wants. that's when you tell him he has a team full of people that are always more than willing to jump to his defense whether or not he did the same.

dwayne robertson
when he's having a bad day, it's written all over his face and body language. dwayne's always been an open book; always so easy to read. seeing the definition of sweetheart so sad always breaks your heart. how he needs to be comforted and what he finds comfort in changes depending on what's causing his bad day. you have this system worked out where you'll ask short and easy questions to help identify what the source of his bad day is. once you've pinpointed a problem, the most common ways you comfort him are by cuddling him or telling him all your favorite moments with him to help him relive a good day.

kenny wu
i feel like kenny's an emotional person so it doesn't take long for his day to go bad. he always seeks you out and if he can't find you, his mood gets worse. he'll bottle up his feelings and thinks he's doing a good job of hiding it but doesn't realize that hiding his feelings isn't something he's good at. the next person on the team to see you will tell you that somethings wrong with kenny and tell you the last place they saw him. you immediately go searching for him and when you find him with the saddest expression on his face, you're heart breaks. talking about what's made his day bad always makes him feel better but what cheers him up the most is when you let him teach you skating tricks and fail miserably just to make you laugh, even if you're decently good at doing a certain trick.

@-vclentine is freaking stellar guys. not only did she request this, but she requested a lot of other things and i love her for it.

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