what you do when they can't sleep

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fulton reed
fulton's really bad to wake up during the night and not be able to fall back asleep. he'll do a lot of tossing and turning before he finally gets up to go lay down on the couch in the living room. when you wake up and realize he's not there, you go straight to the living room. he loves when you play with his hair so you always do that until he falls asleep.

dean portman
dean is either dead to the world the whole night or never gets to sleep and there's no in-between. he's so cranky when he can't get to sleep and isn't shy about waking you up. you always pull him close and lay his head against your chest. you pull the back of his shirt up and rub his back until he falls back asleep.

guy germaine
somehow, you have a sixth sense about when guy is awake. he doesn't even have to do anything, if he's awake, you somehow just know and wake up too. it really creeps him out sometimes but he's grateful for it. you always pull him onto your chest and let him listen to your heartbeat and run your hands through his hair until he's asleep.

charlie conway
the main reason charlie has trouble falling asleep is that he'll get so stressed over something that it'll keep him up at night. whether it's hockey, schoolwork, or something within your relationship, he'll let it bother him until he can't stand it. he'll wake you up and explain what's wrong with him and the two of you will work through it until it doesn't bother him. you'll then the on some soft music and turn it as low as you can until he falls asleep.

adam banks
adam can never sleep after a loss. he always feels guilty and as if he could've done better. you'll always wake up to him shifting around in bed and ask him what's wrong. after explaining what's wrong, you'll give him small kisses and lots of reassurance before running him a hot bath. he'll always stay in there until he's almost asleep and come out and he always immediately falls asleep.

connie moreau
connie is somewhat of a night owl so she goes to bed semi-late as is. she never wakes you up unless she absolutely can't sleep and even then, she feels bad about it. she's very cuddly when she's tired so you'll always cuddle her and tell her your favorite memories of the two of you until it puts her to sleep.

julie gaffney
julie always has trouble initially falling asleep. she'll always toss and turn until she absolutely can't stand it and has to wake you up. having her hair played with and done always relaxes her so you'll always put her hair in loose braids and kiss the top of her head until she can fall asleep.

luis mendoza
most of luis's sleepless nights are completely random. there's not really a reason he can't fall asleep, he just can't. he'll always guiltily wake you up and explain that he can't sleep. you'll always make him lightly stretch before going to get him some water. once he's drank the whole glass, he'll lay back down and instantly falls asleep.

les averman
averman has a very vivid imagination and finds it hard to shut it off enough to go to sleep. most nights, he's up late coming up with jokes or stories or reliving past memories. he eventually wakes you up and tells you what's wrong. you'll always come up with the most random jokes to tell until you're both too tired to keep your eyes open.

jesse hall
jesse is a very outdoorsy person. during nights he can't sleep, he'll always go sit by his window until he finally brings himself to wake you up. you'll always make him lay down and open his window for him. you grab a couple extra blankets so you won't get cold and just listen to the sounds of nature until he falls back asleep.

dwayne robertson
half the time, dwayne never really gets good and asleep. he'll spend most of the night trying to find the perfect position to fall asleep in. you'll always wake up when he accidentally nudged you too hard or when the bed shifts too much. dwayne always tells you he gets sleepy when you sing to him so you'll grab his guitar and sing to him until he falls asleep.

kenny wu
kenny has a problem with staying up as long as he can and not being able to fall asleep when he finally lays down because he's caught his second wind. he'll shake you awake guiltily tell you why he's awake. you'll get him some warm milk to drink and the two of you will talk until you eventually fall asleep.

gunnar stahl
gunnar is constantly having trouble getting comfortable come bed time. a lot of times, he's sore from the endless hours at hockey practice and finds it hard to let his muscles relax. when he can't sleep, you'll always sit on his back and massage his shoulders and back until he eventually falls asleep.

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