dating gunnar as a duck

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▹you had played for district five since you were old enough to play hockey

▹you had fun and you loved your teammates so it didn't matter that you weren't very good

▹then bombay became your coach and you were super excited to start getting better

▹a year after your peewee championship win, you were eager to play in the junior goodwill games

▹it's at said goodwill games that you meet the one and only gunnar stahl

▹for the first couple of days, you two stayed away from each other because your teams were pitted against each other

▹once you two started interacting, you sparked up a rivalry that wasn't really a rivalry

▹ being very sarcastic with each other

▹your 'rivalry' turning into a genuine friendship despite your teammates not liking the opposing team

▹being extremely sad when the games ended and it was time for you guys to return home

▹you hadn't realized you'd developed feelings for gunnar until you got home and started to miss him

▹remembering that you'd exchanged phone numbers and running to your room to find it

▹you two stayed up all hours of the night talking over the phone with each other

▹the team acts annoyed about the fact that you constantly talk about gunnar

▹always teasing you about your crush on gunnar

▹one day at practice, you make a joke about how much gunnar being on the team would help you guys out, especially since y'all are going to eden hall soon

▹then the team got to thinking

▹if anyone could convince gunnar to leave iceland to play in america, it would you

▹so they all started begging you to ask him to come

▹especially fulton and dean who are always up for someone else that can also throw their weight around

▹at first, you were pessimistic because you didn't know if he'd come

▹then you got excited about the possibility of him saying yes

▹and i know this is a ton of set up i'm SORRY

▹but anyway, when you were on the phone one night, you threw out the idea of him coming to america and he laughed it off thinking it was a joke

▹once he realized you were serious, you two agreed to him staying for the rest of the summer and playing peewee (or whatever age group the ducks would be in at the time) hockey with you guys

▹it was a little weird for the first week or so that gunnar was there

▹number one because while the team was super excited to be playing with gunnar, you guys really didn't know him that well and he was y'all's biggest rival at the goodwill games

▹and number two because the guy you were crushing on was staying with you and it's also much harder to talk to your crush in person than on the phone

▹after getting over the awkward 'i don't know you and you don't know me' phase, gunnar began integrating himself into the team very well

▹and as he got closer to the team, he got closer to you too

▹you guys quickly became unofficially together

▹the whole team (plus bombay) was super excited and hardcore shipped you two

▹but they were kind of skeptical because they started thinking about how summer would end and gunnar would have to return to iceland

▹there was an unspoken agreement, though, that nothing would be said and everyone would let you enjoy it while you had it

▹and you did have fun that summer

▹playing tons of hockey

▹showing gunnar all around minneapolis and the surrounding area

▹and overall having the best summer ever

▹but alas, the summer began to come to an end

▹and you were devastatingly sad

▹because jesse and dean wouldn't be attending eden hall and because gunnar had to go back home

▹fulton and charlie are now taking it to their grave that you cried nonstop the week between gunnar leaving and school starting

▹you also cried the first day of school but not for why you had been...

▹gunnar really only went home to get the rest of his things and to convince his parents to move to america too

▹you started crying when you saw gunnar standing by the door of your first class of the day

▹being very excited that you get to spend high school with your bf

▹gunnar doesn't appreciate that everyone tells him he looks like scooter though

▹he says he can't see the resemblance

▹anyway, spending your first year at eden plotting the downfall of the varsity team,

▹trying to convince dean to get his butt to eden hall,

▹and just having a ton of fun as everyone's favorite couple

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