do their parents like you

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fulton reed
his parents love you. he's so in love with you and it's so obvious. they appreciate how happy you make him and how he has something other than hockey to look forward to.

dean portman
his parents love you. you bring out a gentler side of him and you've really calmed him down. he's overall a better person since he's started dating you and his parents are thankful.

guy germaine
his parents love you. his mom loves that you've brought him out of his shell and made him a more confident player and person since you've been dating.

charlie conway
casey conway is absolutely in love with you and is basically your mom. the two of you have girls' days all the time. she's constantly asking you how charlie is treating you.

adam banks
his mom absolutely loves you for the same reason his dad is iffy. his mom is so happy he has a distraction from hockey but his dad isn't convinced it's a good thing.

connie moreau
her parents absolutely love you. they didn't expect you to start dating but knew you were extremely close even for girls. they still love you but are trying to get over the hump of you being together.

julie gaffney
her parents don't like you. they think you're a huge distraction from hockey and school. they only really tolerate you because you make julie so happy.

luis mendoza
his parents like you. he's visibly happier since you've started dating and that's all they really want. they also really like that he's not as flirty as he was before you.

les averman
his parents don't really like you. they don't think it's a good thing that you encourage his pranks and jokes and think you both should be focusing more on school work.

jesse hall
his parents love you almost as much as he does. you've calmed some of his hotheadedness and made him focus more in school and his parents appreciate it.

dwayne robertson
his parents adore you and tell you that all the time. dwayne is so much happier and more confident since you've started dating and they love you for it.

kenny wu
they don't like you. they've never liked you and anytime kenny asks why they try dodging the question. it's because they think you're using him but they don't want to ruin his happiness by saying it when they aren't sure it's even true.

gunnar stahl
his parents love you almost as much as he does. he seems to smile more and is overall happier since you've been dating and it makes his parents happy to see him so happy.

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