dating adam banks

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▹he's so obvious about his crush

▹you're way less obvious about yours

▹you accidentally let it slip to charlie that you kinda sorta, might like him just a little bit and he immediately tells adam

▹he still doesn't have the courage so you have to ask him out

▹no matter how long you've been dating, he still stumbles all over his words

▹always standing up for each other

▹playing hockey in his driveway all the time

▹playing 1v1 way too much

▹is so offended if you win

▹you, charlie, and adam are the most iconic trio, i don't make the rules

▹when he's hurt, you're all over that

▹letting you play doctor even if it embarrasses him

▹telling him that if he doesn't tell coach about his injury, you will

▹on your first anniversary, he'll get you the prettiest promise ring and writes you a special letter

▹he's so cuddly

▹10/10 would cuddle every chance he gets

▹loves when you play with his hair and will take your hand and put it in his hair if you're not playing with it

▹loves you more than hockey and telling you all the time

▹gives you heart palpitations every time he says it

▹gets you a polaroid for your birthday and you're always taking pictures of and with him

▹calling him cake-eater but in a loving way

▹so many compliments

▹mini golf dates

▹planning out every detail of your future

▹whenever he's injured and can't play, you'll go see him and tell him about your games

▹getting teased by the team all the time

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