dating dwayne robertson

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▹the two of you had been best friends your entire lives

▹for a long time, dwayne couldn't tell if he actually liked you or if it was just friendship type feelings

▹when he finally figures out that it's more than just friendly feelings, boy does he fall so hard

▹he let his crush grow and fester for another year before asking you out

▹never doing anything without each other

▹teaches you how to skate

▹horseback riding all time

▹takes you dancing every friday night

▹going to la to watch him compete in the junior goodwill games and cheering as loud as you can

▹stealing his cowboy hat

▹lets you keep it because it 'looks better on you anyway'

▹he pulls you on his lap all the time

▹having no idea what to do without each other

▹forehead and cheek kisses

▹dwayne always has flowers when he picks you up for dates

▹the whole team loves your relationship

▹your parents love him so much

▹your dad loves that he's so respectful

▹both of your moms are planning your wedding

▹connie and julie are obsessed with your relationship

▹you've always been attached at the hip but it's so much worse now that you're dating

▹when he's super sleepy, he'll gush about being in love with you

▹constantly hugging

▹kisses are always slow and soft

▹most of your free time is spent in the stables taking care of your horses

▹not being about to believe how lucky you got by snagging dwayne robertson

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