road trip with the team

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▹a road trip with the team would be so random

▹it started out with you jokingly saying something about taking a road trip

▹all of a sudden, you're making legit plans

▹miss mackay and bombay came to keep y'all from getting yourselves killed

▹bombay called lewis to be your driver for old times sakes

▹y'all all gave money and rented one of those huge busses so you could all ride together

▹everyone was responsible for bringing their own snacks but averman was a real one and brought everyone movie theater popcorn

▹so many fights break out over the aux cord

▹bombay breaks up the fight and makes you share the aux cord

▹he made the mistake of letting dwayne get the aux so for the next hour, y'all are stuck listening to country music

▹eventually, lewis is talked into playing all his tunes

▹he gets stuck playing music the rest of the trip because he has stellar music taste

▹julie brought a huge blanket so you, her and connie drape it over your seats and gossip

▹dean and fulton crawl into y'all's small cave type set up and gossip with you

▹after a while, bombay crawls in too to see what's going on and ends up spilling all the tea on your fellow teammates

▹i feel like lewis would have a designated few that he would share his candy with

▹would stop giving someone candy if they gave it to someone not in the group

▹kenny ends up falling asleep and averman suggests playing 'while you were sleeping'

▹when kenny finally woke up, everyone started telling the story

▹you and averman were the only ones who hadn't broken character yet and kenny was believing the shit out of this story

▹averman messed up though and broke character

▹you ended up getting kenny to believe the story and everyone finally told him afterward

▹kenny really wanted someone else to fall asleep so he could play

▹you guys end up playing the movie game for a while

▹so many bathroom stops are made because everyone refuses to at least try when y'all stop at a gas station

▹y'all end up not getting home until midnight so everyone just crashed at bombay's house

▹the second everyone wakes up, the next road trip is getting planned

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