dating luis mendoza

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▹luis is very flirty and charming so he makes you feel really special

▹then you realize how flirty he is and start to distance yourself

▹he's so confused as to why you started ignoring him until the team told him why

▹finds you in the halls and apologizes for making you think he liked someone else

▹asks you to be his girl then and there

▹you say yes, of course

▹being really jealous of mindy and all the other girls that like him

▹reassures you that you're the only girl he wants

▹luis slowly stops flirting with other girls so much and uses all his pick up lines on you

▹not being able to take your eyes off of him

▹he teases you about it all the time

▹his hands are on you all the time

▹whether it's his hands on your waist while you kiss or his arm around your shoulder, he's always touching you

▹loves pda

▹kisses you in front of the team all the time

▹they all complain about it too

▹kenny and goldberg are always telling you to get a room

▹going with him to miami on school breaks

▹his parents love you so much

▹after the first time you came to miami, his mom is always asking when you'll be back

▹you're at every single one of his games

▹cheering so loud you lose your voice

▹if you play sports, he's at every game

▹if you're not into sports but you are in a club, he's at every one of your club events

▹wearing his jersey every chance you get

▹loves when you fall asleep on him

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