dating guy germaine

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▹he's so shy but in a cute way

▹you have to make the first move

▹he's so thankful that you did

▹show guy any sort of affection in public and he gets so flustered

▹when you're alone, he wants all the kisses

▹literally every single kiss

▹guy always tells you how lucky he is to have you

▹wants to marry you and reminds you constantly

▹tells you how you're going to have beautiful kids and he can't wait

▹being clingy but in the best way

▹stealing his hat so much that he gets you one to match

▹playing with his curls

▹having a pregame ritual that you always do

▹if he gets hurt on the ice, you patch him up and vise versa

▹the whole team thinks you're the cutest couple

▹connie and julie tell you all the time

▹making him more confident as you date

▹bringing him out of his shell

▹telling him how good at hockey he is and how proud you always are of him

▹telling each other your insecurities and reassuring each other all the time

▹he'll always shyly slip his hand into yours and rub his thumb across the back of your hand

▹taking a ton of cute pictures

▹does facemasks with you anytime you ask

▹going to the park constantly

▹tight, warm hugs that last a long time

▹he's such a sweetheart please don't hurt him

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