dating connie moreau

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▹you were both so shy and blushy around each other

▹she didn't ask you out but she did make the first move

▹leaned over to kiss you one day and now you're just together

▹y'all are stealing each other's clothes left and right

▹y'all don't even know who's is who's anymore

▹promising that even if you break up you'll still be best friends

▹y'all can't imagine your life's without each other

▹you baby her a lot and she's here for it

▹basically living with each other at this point

▹sleepovers are filled with short kisses and cuddles

▹you braid her hair before every game

▹it becomes a thing you do all the time because it relaxes her

▹dance parties are constant

▹nap dates are the most common type of date

▹but also picnic dates

▹all your kisses are short but sweet

▹her mom get you cute matching pj's

▹also shows you her baby pictures to embarrass her

▹she loves doing self-care

▹giving each other massages after games

▹constantly taking pictures

▹together and of each other

▹yall were both nervous to tell your parents about your relationship

▹they didn't know how to feel at first but eventually came around

▹going shopping every chance you get

▹the definition of dating your best friend

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