Chapter one: Damn this shit gets old.

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:Beep, Beep, Beep: the alarm from the table beside  Brinley screeched.

"Mehhh, 9 am is way too early too be up for anyone." Brinley mumbles into her pillow.

Reaching over, immedeatly smacking the annoying contraption to the floor,she successfully silences it.

"Ever heard of not disturbing the peace? Yeah?" She mumbled, rolling back over and nuzzling under her warm covers deeper.

As she began to slowly drift back into sweet oblivion, she was rudely  awakened only moments later by the heavy screamer of her ringtone.

'Fuuuuuck youuuuu' it screamed from beside her.

"No. Fuck you, and fuck off. No bueno, too tired." She says, once more rolling over and snaching her phone off of the night stand.

"Why do I even bother setting this damn alarm?" She mumbles groggily, squinting at the overly bright screen of phone to hit snooze.

After it were successfully silenced she tosses it on the bed, not being awake enough to care where it landed, then rolled back over.

After laying there for what seemed like hours unsuccessfully attempting to fall back into unconsciousness, realization hits her.

"Fuuuuck, no no no, what time is it?" She hurriedly shot up and scrambled to find her phone lost in the mess of blankets.

"Titty sprinkles, I was supposed to start that 12 hour live stream on zombies at 10!" she cursed to herself exasperated.

She hurriedly climed out of bed, grabed a cup of coffee, and rushed to her computer throwing her hair into a quick messy bun as she sat down.

"This'll have to do for now" she says after tying up her long brown hair.

She quickly sets up everything, readying herself to start.

"Headphones, check, camera on, check, mic connected, check, game ready, check. Alright lest do this shit." She said hyping herself up.

As soon as she's sure she's set, she starts up the live with the usual greeting.

"Heyo, all my boyos out there! Its CatNip here, back at it again! Now! I know what you're thinking,

'Nip, you're late, again' and I know, I know! Buuuut,since I totally don't have a cool excuse other than sleep is the bees knees! Let's get down to business!" She laughs at herself.

"So let's waste no time and get right into some Zombies, yeah?"

After hours of gameplay, downs, losses, solved Easter eggs, and generous donations from fans, the stream finally comes to an end and she starts her sign off.

"Well boyos, it's been real, it's been fun, and it's even been real fun! But all good things come to a close, thank you again to all the wonderful homeslices that donated, and to those who stick around for my awful puns and terrible gaming skills. I'll catch yall on the flip!"

Ending the stream, Brinley sits back in her chair drained and sore.

Not wanting to move, she searches for the motivation to remove herself from her chair and the studio room.

As if she knew, Brinley's phone lit up.

*incoming call from Summer*

She immediately perked up excitedly answering quickly.

"Heyoo best friend, how's it hangin?" Brinley says happily.

"Oh you know, just watched this absolutely insane chick stream some zombies for 12 hours straight. Haha no but seriously how do you do it? How do you go without food for so many hours?!?" Summer states genuinely in awe.

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