Chapter ten: Bare naked Lady

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Finally breaking through the trees at seemingly the same time both Tielor and Brinley look at each other.

(I totally beat your ass!) Brinley teased holding her head up in triumph.

(Bullshit that was totally my win! I made sure I didnt go easy on you!) He spat back jokingly, nudging her with his head.

(ASHLEY COME TELL THIS HEATHEN I WON!) Brinley internally hollered knowing damn well Ashley could hear her.

Ashley and the others jogged off the back porch laughing at the two wolves acting like children.

"So I know Tielor doesnt wanna hear this but, Brinley totally crossed the treeline first. Before you try to call bullshit, remember my vision is the best here." Lilith said smirking in their direction.

(FUCK YEA! KISS MY TAIL I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF FUCKING AWESOMENESS!) Brinley teased bouncing around her disgruntled wolfy friend in circles.

"She said kiss my tail!" Ashley loudly announced to everyone.

"Wow, Kiss my tail really?!?! That's almost as great as fan-titty-fucking-tastic" Liz doubled over laughing.

"Looks like someone's taking well to the supernatural life. Embracing her inner puppy!" Summer bellowed inbetween laughter.

(I'm not a puppy.) Brinley pouted whining stomping her paw like a child.

"Oh, god she stomped her paw like a toddler!!! What are you 6?" Liz said laughing so hard she was now on the ground.

"STOP YOURE GONNA MAKE ME PEE!" Ashley says between breaths.

The group carrys on playfully arguing and laughing for another half hour or so before Brinley realizes something.

(So uh, tf do I go back to being a two legged fuck...) she thought looking over in his direction.

This once again gained laughter from both Ashley, Summer, and Tielor.

(You wanna go in the woods for this or you tryin to be naky in front of the whole group?) Tielor thinks shooting a wolfy grin in Brinleys direction.

"NOPE, I AINT TRYIN TO SEE TITTIES AND DICK TODAY!" Summer busted into laughter.

"What about titties and dick?" Liz says looking around the yard confused and curious all at the same time.

"Yall better take that to the woods, no body wants to see all your junk." Lilith says face palming and laughing at Liz still looking for naked people.

"No really guys, titties where?" Liz says spinning in circles looking everywhere.

"There are clothes in a back pack off that way past the treeline." Ashley says pointing off toward the trees to the east.

"And would you fucking stop spinning around looking for titties like a pervert?!?" Ashley laughed smacking Liz in the back of her head.

"Ow, the hell man?! I'm not a perv, but who doesnt love titties?!?" Liz says rubbing the back of her head smirking over at the group.

The four girls head inside laughing as the two wolves take off towards the trees.

( yea...Tielor, show a bitch how its done.) Brinley thought looking over at her wolfy friend.

(You uh, sure you dont wanna turn around? I mean at least close your eyes or something. Trying to catch me in my birthday suit?) Tielor said playfully joking.

(Oh, fuck, um, no, shit.) Brinley stutters spinning around with her eyes closed.

Good thing about being covered in fur is no one could see the red rising in her cheeks.

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