Chapter two: The storm and the woods

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(Brinley rushed through the foriegn woods, lost and in a panic. "What the fuck just happened, what the hell was that?" She thinks to herself legs moving faster and faster, everything blurring by in slow motion.

She didn't know why she had to run, or how she had even got into the woods in the first place. 'There were no woods where she lived.' She thought to herself confused. All she did know was something was chasing her, good or bad she was unsure.

Finally coming to a clearing she stops abruptly. Franticly looking for any sign of the right direction to run in.

She stood there scanning the break in the woods, her eyes widening as she sees the bushes rustling in front of her across the small field . She stood there frozen to the spot she stood in. Just as what ever was in the darkness was about to make itself known...)


Brinley hastily wakes up drenched in sweat. Crashing thunder and heavy rainfall filling her ears. Soon after she hears the clicking sound of the power going out followed by pure darkness. "FUCKING LOVELY" She curses angrily just as thunder booms again.

"Are you kidding me? This is some sort of cosmic joke, right?" Brinley asks talking to no one in particular. (Fuck, I have videos to edit man. I should have never fallen asleep last night) she thinks to herself.

Finally getting up and checking the time, (8AM... great.) She shuffles to the fuse box hoping to what ever higher power there was out there that she could just flip it back on. *click, click* nothing happens.

"Ughhhhhhh!" She groans exasperatedly. Lightning striking once again followed by a loud crash. The storm only fueling her rage more. As she paced the room for what seemed like an hour she finally decided to take a shower and attempt to start her day.


After taking a well needed blistering hot shower and calming down she leaves the bathroom to find the storm had subsided.

As she goes to check the fuse box still jumpy from her vivid dream, the phone rings startling her and breaking the eerie silence.

:incoming call- Ashley:

She frantically answers the phone, "H-hey, dude you will not believe the morning I've had." Brinley rushes out still slightly on edge.

"I had a feeling, so I called you to check in, you know....after last night's space cadet episode." Ashley says unsure, as if to catch her self from saying the wrong thing.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry about that, it had been an extremely long and draining stream." Ignoring the odd tone in Ashley's voice, she says getting tired just thinking about it.

"Still having those dreams? You know you can talk to me Brin." She says worriedly. This catches Brinley off guard.

Now confused Brinley thinks to herself, (Did I tell her about my dreams?) She wracked her brain trying to remember whether she had ever brought it up. Coming up with nothing she let's it go.

Taking her silence as a sign she'd fucked up Ashley quickly rushes out, "Y-yeah, uh-um, Summer mentioned it last night. Said they were crazy real and she could tell they were getting to you."

Brinley doesnt question it further, figuring they stayed on the line after she had gone to sleep.

"Right, yeah. Definitely not gonna lie, shits been weird. Especially what I remember from last nights." Brinley says in a stupor thinking back to the woods.

"You wanna talk about it, couldn't hurt getting it out you know?" Ashley says in an understanding tone. Trying to reach out to her friend in hope's of drawing more information out of her.

"Honestly, I dont even know where to start. I only remember bits and pieces, it all gets fuzzy after I wake up." Brinley says, genuinely frustrated with her fading dream.

Ashley pauses as if to think about the right thing to say. "So what exactly do you remember? She says.

"Fear and woods" Brinley says still frustrated. Immediately hearing a gasp from Ashley. "What? What's wrong?" Brinley says confused at her friends clearly frightened reaction.

"Have you heard from Summer yet this morning?..." Ashley slowly asks seeming almost frightened by Brinleys statement.

Now Brinley was completely confused, "No? Why? She doesnt usually call me until after noon sometime." Brinley says furrowing her brows as her confusion grows deeper.

"I can't really explain how I know or even exactly what I know. But between your dream, my dream, and her not answering her phone, I'm worried Brin..." Ashley rushes out in extreme worry.

At this moment Brinley is truly gobsmacked, "What do you mean 'between my dream and your dream'? You had the same dream? This is a sick joke, right? How is that even possible? You're fucking with me right, Ash?" Brinley rushes out completely confused.

Ashley remins silent as if to reinforce the fact that it is not a joke.

"Ash...Ashley, for the love of all that is titties answer me! You're freaking me out. What're you talking about, what's wrong with Summer?!?" Brinley says trying to get Ashley's attention. Her thoughts running wild, how could her dream, Ashley's dream, or any dream in general have anything to do with real life events?

As if to answer her internal thoughts Ashley finally speaks. "The woods Brin...somethings not I said I can't explain it, at least not over the phone..." she trails off only confusing Brinley further.

"Why not over the phone? Seriously Ash, you're freaking me the fuck out..." Brinley says not understanding where shes going with this.

"Brinley I need you to trust me right now, we've known each other for 15 years...we need to talk, but not like this. Can you make it to me? It has to be as soon as possible....Summers life...all of our lives may depend on it..." Ashley finishes sounding extremely uncomfortable. Almost as if shes being watched or that she knew there were ears everywhere listening to what shes saying.

Brinleys head is a whirlwind of thoughts, (she sounds so sure, scared, and serious, when is she ever serious about anything? Shes always been extremely laid back. This is obviously not a joke Brinley. Theres no reason not to trust her, shes one of my best friends. I have to go.) Brinley thinks to herself.

Almost as if Ashley knew the decision she had just mentally made, she chimes in "Good, I'll send you my address. Only bring what you need and hurry." She says "and safe."

With that the line goes dead.


It was like her body instinctively moved without her brains knowledge. Quickly packing up her camera, computer, and a case full of clothing she rushes out the door almost forgetting her cat Bmo in the process after locking the door behind her. After quickly packing all the kitty's things she finally makes it out the door and on her way.

As she climbed into the RV, the only thing on her mind was getting to Ashley and Liz's place up in Seattle. She had a sinking feeling as Summers face flashed through her mind...what could the woods, her could any of it possibly have anything to do with Summer? One thing she did know was that she had to make it there, it was more than just a bad feeling. Some how, someway she knew something was horribly wrong....

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