Chapter Eleven: Add it Up

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The next morning came quicker than expected. Sun pouring through the blinds on the windows of the RV causing the 6 friends to stir.

"The first one of you long duck dong fucks to touch me or talk to me is going to be leaving this RV in a body bag. You have been warned." Liz groans pulling the covers over her head.

"Let's just agree to sleep and ignore impending doom for a few more hours, yea?" Ashley says rolling over groggily.

"Seconded." Summer mumbles half asleep.

"Everytime one of you opens your lard ass mouths my head pounds even harder. Shuddup ya dumpster goblins." Brinley whines from the back room.

"Just wait, yall think you're finna sleep? Ha!" Ranae dryly laughed, knowing a certain someone was up to no good rummaging around the front of the RV.

After only a few minutes of peaceful quiet everyone was startled awake by the stereo blasting 'Add It Up' by Violent Femmes.

"But I look at your pants and I need a kiss.
Why can't I get just one screw?
Why can't I get just one screw?
Believe me, I know what to do
But something won't let me make love to you.
Why can't I get just one fuck?
Why can't I get just one fuck?
I guess it's got something to do with luck
But I waited my whole life for just one.
Day after day, I get angry and I will say
That the day is in my sight when I'll take a bow and say goodnight."

Jumping out of their comfortable beds they head to search for the culprit, knowing damn well who it was.

"TIELOR WAYNE WILLIAMS, I WILL FUCKING END YOUR EXISTENCE! SAY GOODBYE TO EVER FINDING YOUR FUTURE MATE, LIZ IS ON A FUCKING WAR PATH!" Liz shrieked as she made her way from the back room to the front room area of the RV, the other three disgruntled women on her tail.

"Great song, terrible timing you fucking heathen." Brinley mumbles.

"I just wanted to sleeeeeeep!" Summer whined laying her head on Brinleys shoulder pouting.

As they reached the front they find a wide ass grin on Tielor's smug face.

Ashley pushed to the front of the group snatching a pillow off the couch and violently beating Tielor with it.

"This. Is. Way. Less. Than. You. Deserve. You. Fucking. Fuck." Ashley growled every word as she smacked him with the pillow.

Summer grabbed a pillow following Ashley's lead and smaking Tielor speaking with every hit, "TURN. THIS. SHIT. DOWN. WE. HAVE. HANG. OVERS."

Tielor finally turning the music down shouts, "Okay, okay, it's off, stop abusing me, I'm too pretty!"

Meanwhile Ranae was stood in the back arms crossed with a pleased smirk on her face.

Liz stood there with a look of pride for the two girls on her face too as she spoke to the boy, "Too pretty my ass, you're lucky you're not leaving here in a body bag like previously warned."

Brinley was over the situation as soon as she saw Tielors grinning face and went back to the bunk immediately, Ranae following soon after they beat him with pillows, leaving the other three girls to deal with it.

The four had finally noticed both their absence looking around for them, all eventually meeting eyes.

They shared an evil look of agreement and took off for the bunk pushing one another out of the way to jump on Brinley first. As Ranae safely tucked herself away on the over hang bed sure they'd leave her out of their shenanigans...she was wrong.

Before making it to Brinley they yanked Ranae's unsuspecting ass down, dragging her along with them as they all piled ontop of Brinley.

"Canon ball...kowabunga...timber...AHHHHH...I DID EVEN WANNA BE A PART OF THIS BRINLEY HELP!!!!" Each one of them yelled as they jumped on the bed landing in a pile ontop of an almost sleeping Brinley who screamed in shock.

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