chapter Nine:New Perspective

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"Its probably best if you do that outside." Tielor says leaning in the doorway pointing at the circle Summer and Ashley had begun to set up in the middle of the living room.

"You couldn't have said that before we moved the furniture?" Lilith rolls her eyes.

"You're like super strong and dont tore that easily, chill the hell out short stack." Tielor shoots her a smirk.

"You say that like I'm immediately gonna hulk out and break everything..." Brinley says growing more and more nervous. The rum starting to wear off.

"Well I this point no one knows how you're going to react. For one you're a hybrid and two you're 24 you should have shifted 8 years ago." Tielor says nervously scratching the back of his neck. "This is most likely going to hurt like hell, it always hurts the first time but you've had all this animal like energy building up over an 8 year period. Theres no telling exactly how bad its gonna be..." he trailed off at the end.

"Tielors right, as far as we know this very well could be a bull in a China shop situation." Summer says ignoring the smirk the man sent her way.

(Great, fan-fucking-tastic, not only am I attempting something that no ones ever heard of happening before, but it's most definitely going to hurt like hell..if not kill me..) Brinley zoned out. Her own thoughts dragging her deeper and deeper into her anxieties.

Ashley notices Brinleys thoughts swirling into a dark place. "Tielor, you're the only one who can talk her through this part. Maybe try reasuring her and not making it absolutely worse." She says half worried for Brinley and half annoyed with Tielors choice of words.

Ashley wanted to help, they all did. This was something that scared ghe entire group. No one knew what was to come, and not knowing was the worst part.

Summer and Ashley began to gather candles and herbs heading out to set up, soon after Lilith and Liz following after to help them and give Tielor a moment to try and rectify his previous word choice.

As everyone had made their way out to the back yard Tielor was left with a still zoned out Brinley. He stood there for a few moments thinking about what exactly to say that could help her in this moment. Coming up with nothing he decided to wing it.

Nudging her side to grab her attention. He shot her a small smile after she turned her head towards him.

"Oh, hey. Sorry I zoned...wait where is everyone?" Brinley says realizing the room was now void of everyone besides the two of them.

"You dont have to apologize, being a space cadet is kinda your thing..." He said trailing off trying to think of what to say next.

"Look, I dont need some inspirational speach. Am I scared out of my mind? Yes, but if we are going to do something about the genocide and enslavement of multiple species, I have to do this. I need you to just be here..." Brinley cut off his train of thought.

"You got it Brin. I'll be right here the whole time." Tielor says beaming over at her.

He had to admit he was damn proud. Not even 24 hours ago she knew nothing of what lurked in the darkness around her. Even after just learning about their world hidden in the shadows, she would do anything she could to help save it.

"I wont give you some bullshit speech, we both know this is new and literally terrifying.." Brinley cut Tielor short.

"Shuddup! Terrifying is terrible word choice..." she says stressed.

"Okay okay, my bad." He starts, grabbing her shoulders. His hazel eyes looking deep into her green ones.

"Look I will be right there, keep your eyes on me the whole time. Dont look away, dont worry about your surroundings, the girls will be there to watch out for us the whole time, just keep your focus on me. Listen and I'll talk you through this, every step. I'm not going to lie, this is going to suck. But, you're strong. Let's go show em what our Zora is capable of." He finished a confident smirk making it's way on to his face, causing a smirk to form from Brinleys own.

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