Chapter Sixteen: Oh fuck bud

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(Brinley's dreamscape)

It had felt like years since she had talked to an actual human being.

She felt alone in a room full of people.

Wandering around her memories like a ghost. Traveling back as far as she could possibly remember.

It was like a fucked up amusement park ride, seeing familiar faces and hearing voices she thought she would never hear again.

It was torture, left to her own thoughts she began to tune out her surroundings hoping to what ever higher power there was that she'd wake up soon.

After what felt like and eternity she began zoning out with her face in her hands. She continued sitting there crying and hoping until she heard distant voices calling out her name.

She felt like she recognized them but couldn't quite place from where. She looked up from her hands pulling herself from her own dark thoughts.

As she looked up she was met with faces that matched the voices. Faces she had long forgotten about.

"A-aunt Mallory...Mandi...oh my god..." Brinley stammers allowed at the sight of her deceased aunt and elder sister.

Knowing full well no one could hear her, she had tried yelling and screaming at her parents, her friends, and everyone she had seen at first. Desperately trying to get anyone's attention to no avail.

She had an aunt...and a sister...why couldn't she remember could someone forget their own family so easily?

Then it made sense...her aunt Mallory was dead...killed...mauled by rouge wolves...and her sister most likely met the same fate. Her parents had covered it up...made her forget them...

Her Aunt and sister had left, for what Brinley genuinely hand no knowledge of.

Mallory and Mandi were the little girls two favorite people and witches. They had taught her everything magical that her little mind could possibly latch onto.

Mallory was like a second mother to Brinley and Mandi when they were little. Brinley was extremely attached to the woman who Brinley thought held all the magical knowledge of the world.

She remembered Mallory had come to her, after listening to the stories of the pack elders that day.

She had came to say goodbye, that she was going on an adventure with her big sister, and that she promised they'd be back before Brinley even noticed they had been gone.

Little did Brinley know, later that year she wouldn't even remember who her aunt or sister were, let alone that they had left.

All the emotions she had felt as a little girl came rushing back all at once.

Pain, loss, longing, and despair. Back then she had wished for it all to go away, for all of it to be a dream that she would wake up from.

She shut down, the light in the beautiful little girl had all but fizzled out at the loss of her Sister and Aunt.

All the emotions she had felt back then amplified ten fold.

She was crying and screaming for this dream to end.

They were dead...

She knew it was a dream, it had to be, no one could hear her or see her.

She missed her friends, they were her family and they had to be worried sick..

(But what if this isnt a dream...what if I died back in the forest...maybe I'm in own personal hell..) Brinley thought only scaring herself further.

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