Character background: Liz

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She was a normal kid. Until one seriously fucked up night came and changed her whole life up. She was a freshman, it was a night like any other. She started and finished her homework, had supper, watched a movie with her parents, took a shower, and headed to bed early for school the next day. Only to be awoken that night by the sounds of glass shattering and her parents screaming. Terrified she shot out of bed running straight for the commotion, she never did have good impulse control. All she knew in that moment was that her parents needed her help. She booked it down the stairs toward the direction of the living room freezing in her tracks as her eyes take in the scene in front of her. Her parents lay dead and bloodied on the floor, furniture thrown all over the room, lights flickering adding the eerie silence of the house that only moments ago were filled with the screams of her live parents. Snapping out of her daze she rushed over tears pouring from her eyes as she lifted her mother's head into her lap stroking her hair with one hand and holding her father's hand in the other. " cant leave me...I need you...please..please come back.." she sobbed tears staining her face. Grief struck, she let out an ear splitting scream. That being the worst possible thing she could have done in that moment. The intruders, the...things that murdered her parents stepping into view. Terrified and heartbroken she couldn't move, hands and clothes soaked in the blood of the only family she had. She didn't run, she didnt scream for help, instead she looked what she had assumed their leader in her eyes and said "I swear to whatever higher power there is if you dont kill me now, I will hunt you down and kill you myself." The leader laughing manically "Oh, hunny. Like you're in any position to be making threats." This inturn pissed off Liz even more, tears no longer fell. Instead the feeling of fear and despair replaced with resentment and pure hatred. She stared the woman and what Liz could now tell were two very large dogs, down as she spat at them. "I dont make threats, I make promises. I'll get you, and your little dogs too. Hunny" she mocked the womans pet name. The two largest dogs growling in unison. "No no, boys. Bigger plans for this one" the tall murderous woman maliciously grinned. Before she had a chance to react the woman started chanting in a language foriegn to Liz, confused she went to speak a strange feeling cutting her off. She became dizzy and disoriented, it wasn't long before she passed out. The last thing she remembered seeing that night were the glowing eyes of the womans dogs. After that day she shut down and receded into herself, not talking to anyone about that night except her best friend and now adoptive sister Ashley and parents. After things had calmed down they told her all about their world, one she was now a part of, they told her she had been cursed that night by a witch controlled by the Emerald Lunar pack. The same witch who was to come for Ashley's parents later that year while the girls were away on a school trip. Still to this day Liz and Ashley held a deep seeded a grudge against the evil witch that had taken everything from them.

Liz and Declan's soul bond:

Liz and Declan met back in sophomore year in high school. Liz the alternative loner and Declan the brooding Irish exchange student who had a reputation for being a "bad boy". Born a vampire Declan tried to steer clear of mortals, but something was different when it came to Liz. It was a total cliche, girl bumps into jock, jock pushes her around, brooding irish man steps in and beats said jock to a pulp. The two get detention together where their eyes finally meet. Que cliche soul bonded by fate scenario. Girl plays hard to get, boy is a bit old fashioned. He didn't make her fall for him by using the seductive tricks that vampires do, not only because those have zero effect on succubi, but because he genuinely fell in love with her for her personality and awkwardness. She eventually admitted to herself she had fallen in love with him because of the way he pursued her and had put in real effort. He was there for her dark times and she was there for his. Good, bad, ugly, and the rest is history.

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