Chapter seven: "Am I being punked?"

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"And you my dear, are a hybrid... a were/witch hybrid to be specific. A witch like your mother and a wolf like your father." Ashley finishes.

Now everyones eyes were back on Brinley.

After a few moments of pure silence she bursts into laughter.

"Oh god guys, you had me really going there until the end." She gets out in between fits of laughter.

"Here we go.." Tielor says knowingly.


Brinley sat there laughing. Not taking a single word anyone was saying seriously.

Seeing everyone looking at her with serious faces, her laughter slowly died down until there was nothing but silence.

Her face shifting from one of amusement and twisting into one of pure confusion.

"You're all obviously dicking with I being punked?" She asked looking around expecting that Ashton Coochie guy to pop out of a closet or something.

But as the awkward silence continued, she only received simple shakes of heads for an answer to her questions, she went from being confused to utterly annoyed.

"Okay, haha. Very funny. But if you wanted me here so badly all you had to do was say so." She stated irritatedly.

"Brin we've been trying to get you out of that town for years. But that's not the point here. I told you we were serious. Why would we continue to drag this out? Don't you think we would all be half drunk and playing video games by now if we were only fucking with you?" Tielor finally spoke up.

"Look at the facts. You've had 'dreams' that have consisted of things that eventually became reality. You yourself were there only hours ago when I had to take out that wolf, who you saw with your own eyes shift back into a human, and you've astral projected on numerous occasions. How could we possibly know any of this?" Lilith says impatiently.

Brinley was deep in thought by the time Lilith had finished her monologue.

The more she thought about her dreams the more real they felt.

Ashley had known things she couldn't possibly have known, being as Brinley didn't tell a soul.

There were just somethings that sounded too crazy...and a were/witch was definitely one of them.

The more she thought, the more odd and secretive her parents seemed.

As crazy as it sounded some of it started making some sort of sense.

But the part about the supernatural being real...that couldn't be true could it?

Finally interrupting her thoughts Summer spoke up, "Look we know how crazy this all sounds, but we need you to believe us."

Brinley, taking in all of the information given to her could only choke out two words.

"Show me."

"Are you sure?" Ashley said uneasily.

"We dont have time for her to be sure. If she wants proof, we can do that. Its easier than just talking about it anyways." Tielor said growing more and more impatient.

All of Brinley's friends looked around at one another, silently waiting for someone to volunteer to go first.

"For the love of everything unholy, I'll go first." Lilith groaned walking towards Brinley.

"So what do you wanna see first?" Lilith asked looking into her friends eyes.

After a moment of thought Brinley finally spoke, "so do you know.."

"Know what?" Lilith asked confused.

You know...sparkle..." Brinleys voice was barely a whisper.

"Cheese and fucking rice, out of hundreds myths and poorly made movie kind is never going to live down the fucking sparkling bitch boy vampires are we?!? Lilith growls, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"No. No we do not fucking sparkle. The sun doesn't even hurt, it's more irritating than anything. Look come with me." Lilith says grabbing Brinleys hand lightly and pulling her outside.

Reaching the middle of the back yard Lilith releases Brinleys hand.

"Stand here" she says a hand on either side of Brinley's shoulders holding her in place, she then turns walking a good 50 yards away, stopping and facing Brinley.

"Don't blink! Are you ready?" Lilith shouts receiving a nod from Brinley.

Less than a second later shes standing face to face with her friend once again.

"Titty sprinkles!" Brinley shouts. Startled she stumbles backwards falling on her ass.

"Before she actually loses her shit someone else should go now." Lilith says helping Brinley back to her feet.

"You're just gonna have to take my word for it hun theres not much I can show you to prove I'm telling the truth right now." Liz says sending Brinley a warm smile.

"So...heres goes nothing." Summer says pulling Ashley forward with her.

Summer pulls out her pocket knife causing Brinley to take a step back.

"Oh! No, no, no! This is for me, dont worry." Summer smiles reassuringly.

She then takes the knife dragging it along the palm of her own hand wincing in pain as she makes a sizable cut.

(That's gonna need stitches) Brinley thought to herself, staring in horror.

Without a word Ashley takes Summers hand in her own, covering the wound with her other, and closing her eyes to concentrate.

After only a few moments she releases Summers hand, "Good as new!" Ashley beems at a shocked Brinley.

Brinley rushes to grab Summers previously injured hand, examining it only to find it completely healed.

"No scar..." she whispers in amazement.

"I'm just that good." Ashley smirks dusting off her shoulder.

"So, looks like it's my turn." Tielor says stepping forward.

"Here we go." Lilith says rolling her eyes. Causing Brinley to furrow her brows.

"Dont worry I brought back up clothes, so I wont strip for you." Tielor said with a smirk sending Lilith a wink.

"Barf!" Summer shouted.

"Get a fucking room!" Ashley followed with.

"Heathens, the lot of you." Liz groaned.

Everyones attention pans back to Tielor as the sound of bones snapping comes from his direction.

Brinley stands in place frozen, as she watches one of her closest friends morph from a human into an animal with shiny red fur and long sharp teeth.

Even in shock she cant help but think to herself (he looks so soft and fluffy..)

But as the wolf in front of her took a step forward so did she take a step back.

A low whimper coming from the animal in front of her causing her to stop. He lays down as if to show hes no threat to her.

Bravely she takes a step forward. Followed by another and another until she stands right in front of him.

She leans down, looking into the wolf's human like eyes, finally coming to terms with what she just witnessed.

"Tielor?" She softly asked.

As if to answer the wolf nodded with what almost looked like a smile.

"Oh my fucking titties...its all true" Brinley whispered to herself.

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