Chapter Fifteen: Scars, Emotional & Physical

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The group rushed back to the house as fast as possible. Just as they broke the clearing of the back yard, Brinley started to briefly come to.

She couldn't see anything clearly. Spots blurring her vision. She was scared, all she felt was pain.

Tielor looked down once more at Brinley as the group reached the back porch, realizing that she was sort of awake.

"Don't worry Brin, Ashley can fix this....she can...I'm so sorry...this is all my fau..."

"N-no..." Was all Brinley could manage to say through the pain, effectively shutting down Tielors apology. Slowly her eyes closed, and once again Brinley had blacked out.

It wasnt his fault, she knew it wasn't, it was her own fault. She's the one who lost her temper and ran off knowing it wasn't safe. All Tielor did was show concern for her well being in this fucked up world she was just introduced to.

Tielor had set Brinley down on the table Summer and Liz had just cleared off and stood there in a shocked daze.

(Why doesn't she blame me? I blame me...everyone should...) he was snapped out of his daze and thoughts were cut off by a strong smack to the back of his head.

He turned in surprise to see Ashley standing there with a furious glare on her face.

"If you're going to stand there with your tail between your legs in self pitty, get the fuck out. This wasn't your fault, it wasn't anyone's fault. Now isn't the time to stand around pointing fingers and placing blame. Ranae, Declan, Ayeden. Could you run the perimeter? There were more out there and we dont know if they're coming after her." Ashley says now tending to the gash on Brinley's head as Liz and Summer clean Brinley's chest wounds.

The three nodd hesitant to leave their near death friend knowing they had very few options at this moment.

For now all that mattered was keeping the others safe so they could save Brinley.

Tielor also nodded knowing this wasn't the time, nor was it about him right now. All that mattered was helping Brinley and making sure she pulled through this.

"I want to help." Tielor said looking at Brinley with tears in his eyes.

"Good, get the yarrow and a medicine bowl." Summer instructs without even looking up, both her medical and healing training kicking into full gear.

"Yarrow?" Tielor asked in confusion.

"It's the tiny little white flowers with a yellow middle, they have healing properties. Mixed with the right potions and or spells, she may recover a hell of a lot faster." Liz instructs focused.

Tielor took off quickly to look for the flowers in the greenhouse.

Lilith stood by Brinley's head gently brushing back her hair and humming a soft song, to be honest she wasn't sure if it was to comfort an unconscious Brinley or herself. In that moment, she was scared, for the first time since she was a kid, Lilith felt genuine fear.

Ashley's hands were shaking, in any other situation, if it were anyone else outside this house that were on this table, she would have a steady had and clear mind. This was one of her best friends and that hit her real deep.

Noticing her ridged demeanor, Jonathan steps behind Ashley putting a hand on either of her shoulders.

"She's going to be okay. You are one of the best healing witches I've ever seen, and with Liz and Summer by your side you are an unstoppable force. So focus, you can do this." He said reassuringly.

"Yea, we can do this, shes going to be fine." Ashley repeated his words, wiping away the tears that had began pooling in her eyes.

Tielor busted back in the room with the supplies he was asked to retrieve, tears still in his eyes. He refused to give in and let them spillover.

"Are these right?" He said rushing over to Ashley, recieving a nod of approval. He looked down at Brinley, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Brinley's wounds were healing. Slowly and to the normal human eye it wouldn't even be noticeable, but they were healing.

"Her werewolf genes...we were scared they wouldn't kick in so soon after breaking the seal..." Summer said after following Tielors surprised gaze.

"Shes healing.." Lilith said hope returning to her eyes, she let out a breath she didnt realize she was holding in.

"She still has a long way to go..but I think shes going to pull through just fine." Ashley sighed.

After Ashley had applied the poultice, she and Summer took turns using their magic to heal Brinley the best they could. Their powers worked differently on all species, and with werewolves having healing properties all on their own, their bodies didn't respond as well to witches magic.

Now all there was left to do was wait for Brinley to wake up.

The group for the most part stayed in the room. The exceptions being Lilith, Ayeden, and Tielor who had left to scan the perimeter for any other stray scouts and take care of the bodies they had left behind when saving Brinley earlier.

They had moved Brinley from the table to the couch where everyone could keep an eye on her and she would be more comfortable.

Summer had taken Liliths place setting Brinleys head in her lap and now hummed songs of her own while brushing back Brinleys hair.

Liz and Ashley sat on either side of Brinley, Ranae sat at her feet, while the boys sat in the other room.

Meanwhile Brinley was going through hell in her own mind space.

(Inside Brinleys dreamscape)

Brinley had been floating through her own memories, lost and traveling backwards in time.

Graduation, prom, her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her first video game, and so on.

Revisiting every milestone in her life almost as if she were in third person watching everything happen around her.

The farther and longer she was stuck inside her own mind the further back she went.

15, 13, 11, she reached the age of 7 she realized that things weren't as she had previously remembered...her memories were warped and wrong.

She saw things that she had thought impossible until just a few days ago. But everything she saw, she faintly felt like it had really happened.

The pack house, the pack elders and their stories, the witch training, sneaking into vampire all came rushing back.

She knew...she had knew absolutely everything...why make her forget...

Then as if a switch was flipped it hit her like a ton of bricks. That's when she saw her, her aunt Mallory...

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