Chapter Twenty: Get To The Point

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After having the night to herself, filming, editing, and thinking, Brinley had finally cooled down. Enough so that if she went inside she knew she wouldn't bite her sisters head off again without actually hearing her out this time.

It was just after dawn, the sun finally peaking through the windows, and she decided to head inside figuring best case Liz would be up by now.

She was going stir crazy after spending the night alone.

Though she needed the time to think and create some content for her fans, she couldn't help but feel lonely after spending so much time with her friends recently.

She hadn't gotten any sleep, that fact being painfully obvious once she got up to brush her teeth and wash her face.

Looking in the mirror it was as if the bags under her eyes were screaming 'SLEEP WOMAN!' But Brinley ignored her tired appearance and headed for the house, much more important things on her mind.

As she locked up the Rv she heard a commotion on the front porch.

"About damn time you came out here. I'm tired of babysitting these two cum dumpsters." Liz huffed looking over at Brinley.

As Brinley approached the house she could see who Liz meant. A stoic Tielor was sat across from an annoyed looking Mandi who had been continuously blew her cigarette smoke in his face, in the Hope's that it would make him bug off.

Seeing the situation laid out before her Brinley couldn't help but chuckle.

"You know Tie, when I said 'watch her' I didnt mean stalk her every move." Brinley grinned at the unresponsive man.

"You're guard puppy has been up my ass all night, its annoying. Come on call him off!" Mandi whined.

"I tried telling him that if she was gonna make a break for it she would have teleported outta here by now, but he seems not to believe me. Fuck it they're your problem now. " Liz rolled her eyes at the two having a stare off, heading back inside.

Finally reaching the porch Brinley rests her hand on Tielors shoulder pulling his attention from glaring at Mandi.

"Down boy." Brinley laughed, "Why don't you go get some sleep, we're good here." She said sending Tielor a reassuring smile.

He hesitated for a few moments shooting one last glare in Mandi's direction before he nodded and headed back inside leaving the two sisters alone.

They sat there for a few minutes in silence not sure where to start, "You uh, want a smoke?" Mandi offered holding her pack out towards her sister.

"You know what, I'll take you up on that." Brinley says taking a cigarette and lighting it.

"Look, I said some shit last night, some harsh shit..." Brinley trailed off looking for where to start the one conversation she dreaded having.

"Listen I get it, shit got heated. You had every right to go off like you did. Hell, I was kinda expecting worse. But, can we skip the whole touchy feely I'm sorry crap? It's awk sause. You're my little sister and no matter what I love you, and this time I promise I'm not bailing on you. I'm here for the fight. So truce? Can we start over?" Mandi said tiredly, she had been thinking about the best way to handle this all night and she figured a new start was the way to go.

"Honestly, I spent all night being mad at the world and talking myself down, and at the end of it all I was hoping we could just move past this shit show. But, before I just jump the gun here, you have to tell me what are you really here for?" Brinley asked, exhaling a cloud of smoke.

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