Chapter three: Pit stop

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Brinley had been driving for 15 hours, with 11 left to go. Only stopping for gas and the occasional restroom break, she willed herself to drive straight through.

Tired, confused, scared, and with one hell of a headache coming on. She decided to push forward, even as it gradually grew into full blown migraine.

It felt as if her head were going to explode. Between trying to focus on the road through heavy rain, the phone call with Ashley , their crazy matching dreams, and this migraine. She was stressed to the max.

Two hours later:

Feeling like a danger to herself and others with her vision blurring in and out every so often, she decided to pull off at the next gas station.

It had been pouring down rain since she left her driveway now 17 hours ago and it shown no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"I'm only stopping because I need gas, headache meds, and an energy drink for a boost." She said to herself before climbing out of the RV and hurrying inside.

Grabbing the strongest pain killers and energy drinks they sold, she quickly pumped her gas and climbed into the RV.

Once settled in and semi dried off, she decided to text both Ashley and Liz.

"Hey guys I had to pull off to rest my eyes for a minute. Just until the meds kick in and it's safe for me to drive again. This killer migraine hit me, I tried to power through it and I even made it a couple hours before it just got to be too much. As soon as I'm good enough to drive I'll be back on the road. See you in 8 ish hours."

Setting down her phone she let's down her mess of long brown curls to relieve some of the pressure in her head and takes the pain meds. Leaning back in one of the chairs she takes a deep breath.

Barely having even begun to close her eyes before a wave of dizziness took over her.

It was like a switch had flipped. One minute she was inside the Rv and the next she was back in the woods.

This time she didn't feel fear, only confusion.

Looking around trying to catch her bearings she noticed someone lying on the ground, a blonde mess of hair covering their face.

Before she could even take a step forward to identify said person, the sound of bushes rustling on both sides of the clearing drew her attention away from the figure. Movement to the left catching her eye first...

She turned her head to see a massive wolf stepping through the brush and stalking toward the girl on the ground.

Before whatever was on the other side made itself visible, she heard the snap of a branch behind her...

Immediately frozen in place she realized she wasn't alone....

The only thing she could do now was watch the scene in front of her unfold.

Unable to look and see who or what was behind her until she felt a hand grab her own....

Ashley & Liz's POV:

Pacing the living room waiting for Brinley to show up was eating Liz alive.

"The stress is literally going to kill me." She let out an anxiety filled sigh looking over at Ashley.

"And your pacing is literally going to drive me insane. Sit the fuck down before I tie you to a chair, you aggrievatingly awkward goose!" Ashley groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

Just then a text from Brinley came through only further contributing to the tension in the room.

Both rushed grabbing their phones to see where she was.

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