Chapter Twenty-three: Sweater Weather

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*Oh, she knows what I think about, and what I think about.
One love, two mouths.
One love, one house
No shirts, no blouse.
Just us, you find out
Nothing I really wanna tell you about no
It's too cold
For you here
And now, so let me hold
both your hands in the holes of my sweater.*

It was like his life, his future, his whole existence hindered on this woman sitting at the kitchen table.

He was frozen in place, they both were, eyes locked on one another unmoving, as if their whole world flashed before them in the blink of an eye.

"Oh?!?" Ranae exclaimed, being the first to realize what had just happened. She was as equally stoked as she was shocked.

"Shit..." Ashley says looking away.

"Well...let's hope this doesn't absolutely fuck our plans in the ass..." Summer mumbled toward Ashley, both the girls refusing to meet their confused friends questioning eyes.

"We talkin lube or no lube? What the fuck is going on?" Liz finally spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Someone wanna explain?" Brinley said with a pointed look as her eyes shifted around the room, from Ashley to Summer and back to the new girl, Marlowe? She thought her name was.

Before anyone had the opportunity to speak up once again, Tielor deadpanned a quick growl of a "Nope" and once again stormed off.

As if this singular word cut her like a dagger, Marlowe flinched away at the thought of immediate rejection.

As Tielor stormed off, this time he grabed the keys to Brinley's RV and rushed out the door before anyone had time to protest his actions.

After hearing him climb in the RV, and locking the door, all that could be heard from outside was the loud speakers blasting music and effectively drowning out all other noise inside. Although the group could swear they heard multiple profanities that weren't part of the music being shouted left and right.

"I swear to sweet baby buddha, if he breaks any of my expensive ass equipment I'll skin him alive and make I'm into boots with a matching handbag." Brinley groaned more to herself than anyone in particular.

This earned a low growl from the newcomer, who looked almost as shocked as the others herself that it had even come from her in the first place.

"Excuse the absolute shit out of me? You got a throat problem or did you seriously just growl at my little sister?" Mandi chimed in finally sitting down at the kitchen table, a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

"Popcorn? Really Mandi?" Summer groaned at the womans childishness.

" the golden retriever is having a bit of an emo to explain?" Lilith piped up her gaze now locked on Marlowe.

"I...uh...I just got here..." Marlowe managed to stutter out. "And, I didn't mean to just came out. Almost like metaphorical word vomit..I had no idea it was happening until it did...but it can't about luck...good or bad, remains to be seen. Interesting..." she finished this time speaking clearly, but more to herself than anyone around her.

Marlowe seemed to be deep in thought, as if she were in a whole other universe entirely.

As the few who were still in the dark about unspoken recent events stared at Marlowe, so did the few who had a grasp on what was actually happening.

Through her initial shock, Ranae realized that the girl seated at the table across from Mandi barred a striking resemblance to the two Zora siblings.

Ashley also took note of the similarities. Marlowe's demeanor, the way she held herself, and more specifically the way she zoned out. Almost as if the world around her no longer existed.

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