Chapter Twelve: Freak Like Me

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After 8 hours of non stop training, the sun began to set behind the mountain peaks bringing the day to a close.

"Let's call it, it's getting dark and you haven't stopped all day." Ashley yells to Brinley from across the yard.

"I'm good to keep going, what's next?" Brinley huffed, clearly out of breath from over exertion.

"She has a long way to go to consider herself a pro, but I think shes got down the basics. I think we can call it." Jonathan said smiling and agreeing with Ashley.

"Come on, I can at least go for another couple hours! I still have so much to catch up on with magic!" Brinley pushed, still quite winded.

Everyone on the deck heading for the yard, meeting in the middle. They had all agreed that it were time for a break.

"Brin, you've been at it for 8 hours. Give your body time to regenerate your powers." Summer says resting a hand on Brinley's shoulder.

"Plus, we have a hell of a lot more to go over. Besides, night time is the best time to hone your were senses." Tielor chimes into the conversation, hoping to distract her by giving her an alternative to burning herself out magically.

"Okay, fine. I just need to learn as much as possible. I want to utilize what time we have. If what Lilith says is true, then it's only a matter of time before the big bad bitch boy pack catches on to what we are up to." Brinley says in determination as she finally catches her breath.

"Speakin of, whadda we know bout that?" Declan says as he and Liz join the group in the yard.

"Not a lot I'm afraid, just bits and peices of information we've gathered." Ayeden speaks up from beside Lilith.

"Last run we made to scope out their scouts, they couldn't have been more than three to four hours out of town. They're closing in quick. Followed them for awhile to see where they were heading. Ended up stopping at a pub a few towns over. I over heard a few pups talking about Alpha Kaine, how he's changed. Apparently back in the day he used to be a real family man, actually gave a shit about the lives and freedom of the members of his pack." Lilith explains further.

"I find that extremely hard to believe, considering most of us are victims of the cruelty that pack is capable dishing out. Proof enough for me they suck a big bag of barbie doll dicks." Summer says annoyed.

"Agreed, witchy woman. Agreed." Tielor says throwing an arm around Summers shoulders in an attempt to lighten the mood a bit.

"All the more reason for me to be prepared." Brinley huffs out ready to get back to work.

" Hey, I've been meaning to ask all day. What's with Summers shield being blue, and Brinleys being green?" Liz asked curiously looking to Jonathan for answers.

"I noticed that too, I just spaced on asking questions to keep the training moving." Brinley added also looking at Jonathan in curiosity.

"Oh, it's simple really. Every witch and warlock has their own auras. Some blue, some green, red, purple, and so on. It usually depends on the person, what calms them and brings them peace most can be associated with a color." Jonathan states as if it were obvious.

"That actually makes a lot of sense. I know Summers always most at peace near the water. Brinley, most comfortable in nature in general." Liz says shocked at how much it actually makes sense.

"So, does that mean yours is a yellowish orangey color Ashley? I know when we were kids you used to be the happiest when we would play in the sunflower fields in the summer." Brinley says looking to Ashley with wide eyes.

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